Chapter 21

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"Good morning gentlemen I am pleased that you have decided to meet with me today" Freen said staring at the group of investors from Robert Armstrong's pharmaceutical company.

"I know it might seem strange to you why Mr Roberts is not here even though I her business partner is here"

They all nodded

Actually it had been six months now since Freen started her revenge on Robert Armstrong. In those months she was able to convince him to be her business partner, being hungry for money Robert agreed

However he never knew the reason why Freen wanted to be his business partner

Not knowing this was just part of the plan, today she decided that she was going to turn all of Roberts investors against him

"Robert is my...uncle he told me today that he didn't have the courage to do this so am his substitute " she paused to distribute papers towards them

Whispers could be heard coming from the investors

"The company is going bankrupt, there was a sudden problem with the products leading to the lost of customers, we have tried fixing this problem but we couldn't "

"So what does this mean about us" one of the investors asked

"Well we have come to the conclusion that you retract your contacts....all you have to do is pull away from the investment and all your problems are solved, however I had a feeling that this was not going to be easy for am offering you all 0.5 %of the Chakimha technological company "

"Excuse me just that do you even realize how is retracting our contracts is going to affect us...0.5 % is not enough "

"Oh am sorry you can stay and not get any profit from uncle this is a take it or leave it situation " They all went quiet so she continued

"Raise your hand if you want to stay with Mr Robert " no one did all they did was look at each other

Freen smirked

She opened an envelope and took out several papers however she paused when she got an incoming call from a private number.

She excused herself and went behind the restaurant to take the call


Mam boss it's done

Are they all contaminated

Yes mam we made sure to make them all cause rash on the skin but not too serious

Good you will receive your payment now

Thank you mam

Oh and don't mention this to anyone or you are dead

Yes mam


Then she hang up

This was actually part of her plan

Though she had lied about the company to the Investors she was slowly turning that into reality

Now that the investors were on her side and the products of the company are destroyed all she had to do was wait for the fall out of Robert Armstrong and she would kill him but right before exposing his underground plan to the world

She had it all figured out it was just going to be a case of suicide but right after he tortures him.

Freen smirked while thinking about her revenge

She went back to the investors and gave them documents to sign retracting all their shares from Robert Armstrong's pharmaceutical company and the other signing their shares to Freen's company.

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