4: Neon green.

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I watched as Luca walked in with the boy I sent out of the basement with a bored face, Luca hated it when I sent him to watch over the boy, he had even referred to himself a babysitter.

"Sit," I commanded, the boy gave me a shaky glare but he still moved his wobbly leg and sat on the chair across me.

" Can I leave now?," Luca asked in a bored tone as he raked his hand through his mane like hair.

" Of course you can, your work here is done for now," I smirked.

He huffed and walked out of my office with his fist balled, Luca was the type who was good with his job and he was too proud of it .

I turned my attention to the blonde behind my desk.

" What's your name boy?," The boy glared at me, teenager's, I shook my head.

" I asked a question boy, what's your name?," I gave him a look that told him not to defy me.
" William,"
" And your age," I flipped the folder in my hand aside.

" Seventeen," he gulped.

I chuckled at his fearful state, the fear the boy wasn't enough to feed my ego, only a fool would be happy to scare an and at it's feet.

" What were you doing with Lorenzo's men," I asked like I had no idea. I could have told him everything about his life but, what's the fun in that.

" He promised to help me,"

" With what exactly?," I raised my brow in feighed interest.

" Revenge," the boy said it so darkly his grey eyes darkned, there was something about his hatred that amused me.

" Revenge against who,"

" You,"

I Threw my head back in laughter, " you want to avenge who exactly, I have killed a lot of people so much that I don't even remember their names or anything about them."

" YOU," he growled.

" SIT BOY, You don't growl at me ," I bellowed my face darkning , the boy was lucky, he had no idea who he was dealing with.

" I don't care for your hatred, there are lots of people who hate me and you are not even worthy of that privilege,"

I picked up a folder from my drawer and threw it to him.

" You claim you want revenge, but I am not the one you should hate, he is. Read the folder and you will understand me,"

William looked at me warily, his eyes scrutinized me but he still took the folder and check it .

I watched as the boys reality was crushed and everything he believed a lie to him, his body shook in vigorous anger.

" Ho-," he croaked," How is this, how is this possible, I- my parents were ordinary people, you lie, this-this is impossible," William lied to himself, tears streamed hus face.

I didn't say a word, maybe I could relate to him, I had been like that to.
" How?, My Dad couldn't even kill a house burglar,"

He kept muttering lies to himself while I watched him in amusement, soon he went quiet , his eyes fixed on the dark walls surrounding my home office.

Just like I loved to, his eyes found the dark paintings in the wall.

" How can u trust you?," He finally spoke in a low voice.

I chuckled," trust?, I don't need your trust, you're only seeing this because I think I owe it to your father but anything you do from now on. Is your choice,"

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