18: Sonal green..

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"I think I might be pregnant," I squealed as Doña stood beside me in the kitchen with her mouth stuffed with waffles.

" Hey, stop stealing my food," I pouted as I slapped her hand away from the plate. " Hey, I just want s bite, it won't hurt," she whinned as she grabbed the plate and ran out of the kitchen.

" Hey," I screamed after her, " give me back my waffles, I have been craving that for days!!!," I shouted as she ran up the stairs.

" Catch if you can fatty,". She poked her tongue at me. " That's not true, I am not fat, hey come back," I nearly caught her but Asher got in my way, Asher was little Vince's other name .

" Get out of my way Asher, I don't have your time right now," I huffed in annoyance but the boy just pouted and stepped away slowly.

By the time I was busy getting Asher out of my way, Doña had reached the other stairs and she was making her way down.

" Ugh," I groaned in fraustration.
Then I saw William walk in and Doña shoving the plate in his hand.

He looked at her in confusion," hold it for me and don't let Lily see it or you are dead," she made a cut notion with her hand.

" Oh yes you are, the both of you are dead," I screamed hitting Doña's butt.
" Ow, that Stings like a bitch," she rubbed her but .

Then u turned to William he stepped back as I made way to.
" You can have it," he stuffed an empty plate in my hand cleaning his mouth.

" You ate my waffles," I growled. " Oh, c-calm down Lily, i-i didn't, i-it looked delicious so I ate it, I am s-sorry, I will make a new one OW, OW, OW!!!!!!!," I grabbed his ear and twisted it in my hand.

" I said I am sorry," he whinned.

" I am not twisting your hair for eating my waffles, you hurt yourself again, don't you know how hard I work to make the scar's leave," I complained.

" I am sorry, I OW, I won't do it again,"

" That's what you always say," I huffed but I let go of his ear, " you are going to make me a new waffle, but this time, I want you to make a milkshake with ice in it and I give you an hour, no fourthy minutes, "

He nooded.

" Including you Doña and oh," I turned to a pouting Asher." I am sorwy, " he made puppy eyes. " Of, I won't allow my little Asher to hurt himself in the kitchen, you are going to massage my leg instead," I gave him a halfhearted smile whilst he groaned.

" Okay, get to work people, we don't have all day, my shift starts in two hours you know," I cheered as I sat on the black couch with my leg on the coffee table.

" Come on, do it properly," I scolded Asher , William and Doña walked out of the kitchen looking disheveled.

" Wow, this looks nice, I hope it tastes as it looks," I rubbed my hands together as they placed the food the table.

They made to leave but I stopped them with a glare," watch me eat," I said before devouring the waffles.

" Ahhh," I relaxed after eating the food then I waved them away with my hand.

They pouted but they still left, it was nice having people do things for you the feeling alone made me happy, I felt tired so I decided to sleep on the couch.

At a point someone picked me up from the couch and took me to the room, it wasn't Vincenzo, his colonge was different, it was Liam, i smiled.

Life was really going great for me.

His Beautiful Weakness.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora