13: Laos green.

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" I don't know what to do, she won't stop crying, she won't stop flinching, she won't stop hugging herself, she won't stop staring and she won't stop ignoring everyone even me." There was no one else I could speak to but him.

" You have to be calm Enzo, she is a woman she must have been through something you don't know about," my teacher sighed.

" But what is it, what could she have been through that I don't know?, Lilly always told me everything she had never kept anything from me . Not that I know of," I tugged at my hair feeling stupid that I couldn't do anything for her.

" I shouldn't have left, I should have stayed with her I should have cared for her,"

" Then what?, What makes you so sure she wouldn't be in danger if you had never left," I could hear voice from the other side.

He must have been in an important meeting before he saw my call, my teacher, Zackar was my teacher before I completely took over the Mafia Don position.

I had no other options than to speak with him maybe he knows what to do since Liam was out of options.

We had tried everything we could, the doctor said she was shocked and that she would be fine but it had already been a week yet Lily was still the same.

She wouldn't speak to anyone, she won't stop flinching or crying.

" Vince," Doña walked in smiling.

" What?," I snapped glaring at her, but that didn't affect her mood," she spoke," Doña squealed hugging me.

" What the fuck are you saying?," " It's Doña, she spoke," " WHAT?!!!,"

" Is everything alright over there?, Enzo!," I didn't bother answering him I had to see her, I had to speak with her.

I could hear Doña giving an excuse to Zachary, she never really got along with him so it wasn't suprising when she had told him a little excuse and hung up on him.

" Lily," I barged into her room to see her still hugging her knee, with Vincenzo junior sitting a feet away from her, I must have been too excited. I didn't knock so she was startled.

" Sorry," I apologized keeping away from her on case she flinched, I had found her in the bathtub trying to drown herself my heart almost died when she didn't wake up after three days.

Thankfully Doña and Liam held me back or I would have killed the doctor treating her.

" Uncle Enzo, " Vince junior scrutinized me a little like he always did. " Don't be scweared it's just my uncle," little Vincenzo smiled holding Lily.

" Sorry,"

" It's okay," Lily whispered hugging herself tighter, she had never been like that with me, she had never been uncomfortable with me. None the less I was happy she finally spoke.

" Can I?," I gestured to the bed and she nodded. once I was seated, I gave Vincenzo junior a look hoping he knew what to do.

" Oh ," Vincenzo junior facepalmed himself." I forgot Mum asked me to cwean my whoom, I have to go," he ran out of the room leaving me proud that he didn't ignore all the teaching I had given him.

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