1: Vespa Green.

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"Baby doll!!!," Vincenzo called from that bedroom, making me smile at his nickname for me, it was cute and funny.

"Yes fluffy bear it's me, I am back," I plopped down the couch dropping my bag on it.

I looked to my left to see Vincenzo in his usual outfit, a black sweatshirt and white joggers walking towards me from the room.

Carrying his air of arrogance as always, I knew I was lucky to have him as my man, in fact, I was the luckiest woman on earth.

"Hey," he kissed me passionately on my lips and sat with me," hey," I reply bitting my lips, it's been four years since I found him in the woods, now we're happily married, our one year anniversary was just a week ago.

"How was work?,"

"It was fine, we were able to secure a new batch of those cars today," we moved away from little killy after he recovered, the folks helped us move and even found Vincenzo a job as a car dealer.

"How was yours?," I groaned as he chuckled.

"It was hectic as always, I had to say goodbye to another kid today, it wasn't easy," I loved my job, being a pediatrician was great especially the part where I take care of childrens.

But just like it's greatness, it also had it hard part and that was saying goodbye to my patients.

Either alive or Dead and today, I had to say goodbye to a sweet little girl, she was so cute and nice yet, death took her.

"She was so sweet, I still find it hard to believe," I fidget with my hands as the tears I held back came rushing down.

"It's alright," Vincenzo rubbed soothing circles on my back.

I cried silently for a while before, leaning my head on Vincenzo's chest, his chin on my head.

Soon I felt tired and exhausted as always, so I decided to sleep for a while before making dinner.

I woke up in bed, my body felt weak, the result of working all day without rest, at this rate, I won't even have time for Vicente.

"Hey," Vincenzo carresed my cheeks as he sat softly besides me on the bed.

"I am sorry for last night, I shouldn't have cried like that, I didn't even make you dinner,"

"No, it's alright, you needed it, I don't really care about your mood swings or if you made me food or not, I just want you happy," he said softly.

"Thank you,"

"You're welcome doll, now let's get you showered,". He said and immediately picked me off the black and white bed.

"Hey!!," I shrieked holding him tightly to avoid falling even though I knew he was strong and I was practically weightless.

"Yeah, hold onto me doll, we don't want you falling ass down," he laughed as I hit his chest.

Once we were in the bathroom, he turned on the tub while I leaned into him rubbing my stomach.

"Are you alright baby doll,"

I shook my head," I am just wondering how big my baby bump would be if our baby hadn't died in the crash,"

"Baby doll, I am sorry," I know Vincenzo, he barely apologized and when he did, he meant it.

"No Vince, it Wasn't your fault, you didn't cause the accident, it just... " I let out a sigh." It just happened and we were unfortunate to have lost our baby,"

He kissed my neck as he turned off the tap."how about we make another one,"

"I will like that please." I chuckled, Vincenzo has been really nice to me well excluding the first six months after he woke up, he thought I was some spy or something.

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