14: Maya green.

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Little Lily and her mother ran into the bathroom in fright as the intruder broke into their house, the men weren't home that night, it was just fifteen years old Lily and her mother.

" Mom!, What's going on?," Lily asked crouching down with her mother. " Shh," Maya whispered covering her daughter's mouth afraid of getting caught, she had no idea why the man was so obsessed with her after she had rejected him thrice.

" Open the fucking door Maya or I'll break it down," his voice wasn't the gentle on he had been using for her since she met him, it was the voice of a psycho.

A crazily obsessed man.

Maya didn't make a noise, she dared not.

" I am being gentle right now Maya, you don't want to make me angry," he sounded like those psycho in movies who were obsessed with a woman and later had to kill her when they couldn't have her.

And that was what he planned to do to her.

Lily didn't understand what her Mom was afraid of, there was no way a man her mother knew would barge into their house unannounced, do it was either her Mom and the person weren't acquainted.

" Okay Maya, I warned you but you didn't listen, don't blame me for what I will do now," the moment he finished his sentence, there was a loud thud at the door.

He was trying to open it.

No!!!, Maya panicked.

" Lily!!," She made her daughter face her ," you are going to have to do something for me dear. Can you," Lily nodded frantically flinching a bit at another loud Thud at the door.

" That's my girl," Maya smiled, her ginger colored eyes shined in delight and sorrow.

" I need you to hide, in here," the bathroom had a basement in it, Maya found it odd but she never cared enough about it. How ironic that it would turn out be her saviour one day.

Lily looked at the tiny basement that could only fit her in. " And you Mom?, What about you,"

" I am sorry baby, the basement can't fit the both of us besides i-i can't go in or he will find us," Maya glanced at the door following Lily's gaze, " I can't Let him find you Lil, he is a sychopath,"

Lily nodded in tears, " but I can't let him find you," it was completely quiet and that meant something, he wasn't gone he was probably still lurking around, maybe looking for something strong to break the door.

" Don't worry, Mom will be safe, your dad and brother will be here soon okay, just hide," Maya's chocolate brown ponytail flipped back and forth as she peeled the covering off the floor to throw Lily in.

" The basement leads to everywhere in the house, find the front door and go ask for help, I will stall him. Okay," Maya hugged her daughter one more time as she explained to her.

" Yes mommy, I will be back for you," Little Lily like her Dad had called her before he left kissed her mom's cheeks with tears trailing down her eyes, her body shaken in horror of what was happening.

" Stay safe dear, stay safe, pray for us ," were the last words Lily as she was engulfed in the darkness of the little basement.

Lily hated basements, they were dark, eerie and never really gave her protection.

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