9: Dharma green .

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I had been spending the last one hour by the cocktail stand mainly because my friends were still absent from the party.

So like every other women who knows how stuck up these people are, I decided to do the best thing anyone would do which was stay by the cocktail stand even if all I have had since the past one hour is water.

Everything was pretty boring, I knew no one in the PARTY yet I was there Mika was absent because she had an unexpected family buisness and Sus is yet to be here.

I wondered around the ball room or whatever it's called waiting here and there to wave off Men who tried to flirt, they looked like they wanted to eat me up.

I noticed a particular door that no one cared about, it probably let outside the building probably to the roof top.

Since arriving at the party breathing was a little hard for me , apparently, there were more people than I expected.

I walked into a large space using the door, the space had different paintings in it, I tried looking for the meeting behind them yet I found nothing.

So I just wheezed past them one after the other, they were beautiful though, I give them that.

" Lily," I heard a surprising familiar voice, yet I screamed not expecting the sudden intrusion, what was she there for.

" Doña," I wasn't expecting to see her though she looked gorgeous in her Dharma green mullet dress with her marron glace hair styled into a wave.

" Wow," I chuckled," you look gorgeous," her appearance made me jealous, my mind wondered back to Vincenzo, he probably likes women like her.

Beautiful, charismatic and hot.

I was none of that, I knew it .

" Lily," she seemed surprised,"I had no idea you would come," she smiled holding her cocktail tighter.

" Yeah, Mika invited me though I have no idea where the butthead is," I chuckled.

" That's great, I um, thank you by the way and you look hot, fuck. my husband would kill me if he hears this but you are so beautiful that I am rethinking being a lesbian,"

" Oh don't flatter me, I mean compared to you I am still a novice," the Truth spilled out of my mouth in a rush.

" You flatter me," Doña giggled. " So, mind if I invite you somewhere--private?, I have something to say ,"

" Yeah sure that would be awesome, this place is killing me anyways." I was eager to leave.

One new lesson learned, never go to a Party without a companion. Dona led me through the same space to somewhere like a backroom or something.

We sat down on the surprisingly comfortable couch, I mean I felt like sleeping right there at that moment.

However I wasn't that close with Doña so no matter how comfortable I felt, I decided against it.

" So, what do you wanna talk about?," I decided to go straight to the point.

" Um, before that would you like a cocktail?," She seemed nervous yet she hid it pretty well but I was able to see through it, she wasn't as good as Vincenzo.

" No, I think water will do I don't like cocktail that much," she nodded and left for a while, I used the time to look around the room.

It was lovely and cozy, that was the two ways I could think of to describe it.

" Here," Doña Walked in with the water, "oh, thanks,'"She sat down across me, her face unreadable.

" I know I asked you this before but I just can't help but ask again, " she cleared her throat.

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