Chapter 17: Erasmus green.

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   Lily sat against a tree trunk located in the garden which was a far distance from the mansion, her gaze fixed at the trees lining up around the huge clearing, she had the bunny in her hand which she had named Iggy pop.

Vincenzo had been busy recently, too busy for her and he had been acting like a woman in her period, Lily had tried many times to ask him what was wrong but everytime he had shun her and go back to burying himself in his paperwork.

The sound of leaves rustling made Lily look behind her.

" Can I sit?," Liam asked scratching his neck akwardly.

" Sure," Lily smiled shifting so that her brother could be comfortable. They sat  there in silence for a while none of them said anything, it was peaceful until Liam decided to break the silence.

" You can ask me anything you know!, I know I have been a scumbag and I deserve whatever you plan to do but your silence is killing me," his voice was neutral but Lily noticed some feeling in it.

Lily chuckled, " I don't know what to ask Liam, it's been eight years already, you've changed and so have I, it's really not a big deal,"

" I am sorry, I am sorry I left you without a goodbye, it's okay if you hate me for it, I hate myself too but Lily please don't tell me it's okay, it hurts I know it does," Liam looked away to hide his tears.

" I left when you needed me, there's no fucking way that isn't a big deal," by the time he said the last sentence, Lily's cheeks were stained in tears.

" If you knew the why did you leave?, Why did you leave Liam?, You knew I needed you, you knew I couldn't live without your support but you still left , you left a grieving seventeen years old to fend for herself, you didn't call neither did you search for me." her lips trembled as she accused in a quiet voice.

" I am sorry, I am sorry Lil, I am sorry I left you then, I was blinded by revenge, a friend of mine had told me he had Intel on the man who murdered our parents, so I thought I could return once I got my revenge but--,"

Lily sobbed louder hugging Liam to herself, " did you do it?," She asked between sobs.

Liam shook his head," it was a trap he was working for him, I was ambushed and shot before I could do anything but Vincenzo saved me,"

" It's settled then I forgive you only because you survived, I am happy you're still here," Liam cleaned Lily's tears with his thumb as he chuckled.

"It's settled then, you forgive me," Lily nodded placing her head on his shoulder.

" Er, can I sit," Lily looked behind the trees to see Doña who held little Vince's hand .

" Of course,"

" Thanks,"

Doña sat beside Liam while Little Vince sat beside Lily looking at the bunny she was holding." Can I hold it?," He held his hand to the bunny.

Lily smiled giving the bunny to him. " Hold it carefully or it will hop off your hand, how about you take it for a walk?," She added as she rubbed little Vince's brown hair.little Vince was a replica of his parents, he had Liam's tan skin and Doña's brown hair with hazel green eyes but he was more like Vince in a wierd way.

Lily watched the boy tried to hold the bunny from hopping down as he walked it to the clearing.

Both Dona and Lily placed their head on Liam's shoulder whilst he just shrugged at their shared laugh as he carresed their hair with his hands, the silence was comfortable it gave the trio a sense of home.

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