20: Luminous green.

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Vincenzo sat leaning against a tree trunk as Lily liked to do, he had said nothing since the explosion, what was he to say, it was his fault he, he was the one to blame.

" Brother," Doña worried face came in his sight he said nothing as she sat with him," are you alright?," Doña asked albeit she knew the answer but Vince's stoic face scared her.

" I am fine," he answered gruffly.

" I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on," Doña offered.

" I said I am fine, Lily us dead and that's it people die everyday anyways, I just need some time alone to clear my mind," he insisted in a low voice.

Doña nodded relaxing her shoulders, they sat there in silence for a while before Doña decided to break the silence.

" B-but i-i need a s-shoulder to cry on, I m-miss her, " Doña's voice cracked, " I miss her so much, b-before she came, this house was filled with loneliness and tears, but after she came,l-lily made us feel alive, ," Doña wailed." S-she is more than just anyone to me, she is my best friend, my sister and my confidant, It's only been a day but I miss her,"

Vincenzo pulled his sister into a tight hug," we all do Doña, we all do." Lily was such a pure soul, she was like a flower in the middle of thorn but she gave the torns a reason to live brightly and beautifully.

Doña cried until she fell asleep, Vincenzo carried her back to her room where he found Liam sitting by the window without moving, he looked like he had been frozen.

Vincenzo had no idea what to do so he layed Doña on the bed and returned to his room, on his way, he saw William at a corner crying silently and Luca consoling him.

He passed them silently and walked into his room, his eyes roamed around the room reminiscing the time he spent with Lily in the room.

The t-shirt she had worn a day before was still on the floor where had thrown it, he picked it up with a smile, Lily loved the t-shirt.

A stubborn tear fell down his cheek, Vincenzo had sworn not to cry, he deserved no such luxury, he was the main reason Lily had died anyway, he lost both his baby and his wife.

Vincenzo sat by his bed on the floor in a daze his eyes fixed on the garden below the window, Lily spent a whole day watering the flowers because he was to busy to spend time with her.

His eyes watered, why did everything turn out that way?, He just wanted to protect her forever.

He wished he had died in her stead, he cried himself to sleep.


The explosion had burnt her body completely, all they had if her were ashes so they decided to cremate her.

The funeral was done at Vincenzo's house, many people came in their black attires not that they knew or cared about the woman who had died, they had simply done it out of courtsy.

Others went hopping for a better relationship with Vincenzo but to thier disappointment, Vincenzo didn't leave his room neither did Liam.

DOÑA POV.........

Liam won't spek to me, Vincenzo won't leave his room, William won't stop crying, and Vincenzo junior sat by the window of his room with the rabbit in his hands as he cried .I couldn't take it, it was to much, I had to handle everything myself.

Lily was meant a lot to all of us in the house, her death confused me, Vincenzo hasn't told us anything about what they quarreled about.

" I can't believe this," Mika, Lily's friend croaked. " She was with us all through a before yesterday, she laughed and jokes with us, she was happy because she was pregnant, H-how can she be gone like that,"

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