7: Laser green.

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" What is wrong with him?,Is he okay?" the woman with valley green eyes and olive skin asked in tears holding my hand as I walked out of the ward.

" He had a fever but he's fine now, we gave him a temperature reducing injection, all he needs is a few days rest," I replied taking off my face mask and putting it in the left pocket of my coat.

The lady sighed, " thank you do much, I was scared to death," she stated with a little tear drop falling down her cheek.

" He's alright ma'am, your boy is alright," I smiled though my heart was practically heavy inside.

How nice would it have been if I had my own baby with me!, I would probably be the happiest in earth yet the privilege of motherhood was snatched from me faster than I was given.

"Are you okay?," The lady asked looking concerned.

"Of course, I-i am fine," my voice came out a shaky. Then I felt a warm liquid trail down my Cheek, I quickly cleaned it realizing I was crying.

" Sorry,"

"No it's alright, we all have our problems," the lady smiled.

" Thanks,"

"Sure, I an Doña by the way," she held out her hand.

" I am Lily," I shook it smiling.

" You look gorgeous, I don't know why but I would like us to be friends, that's if ... It's okay with you,"

" Oh, sure I mean why not,"

" Thank you," she smiled again.

"Lil," Mika squealed running towards me, I rolled my eyes, she was just too dramatic.

" Guess what?," She squealed as she bumped into me.

" What?," I decided to go along after steadying myself.

" I heard Lorenzo Laureano visited our hospital yesterday and he was searching for you."

"Yeah and what?," I rolled my eyes again not wanting to count the many times she had done something like this.

" Seriously girl?, You are asking me that, are you insane or just clueless, he was here to see you, I mean the second hostest guy in the city came to search for you specifically and you are asking me this?,"

" Stop being dramatic, I don't even know this Lorenzo guy and besides," I smiled," he can't be hotter than my husband,"

Mika's face dropped, " you are still thinking if him?, He is a jerk Lily , he left you remember, how can you be so foolish to still think he's coming back. It's been a month." she shouted.

" Yeah, he is still coming back, a month is not forever, Vincenzo won't just leave me like that," I screamed back.

All eyes turned to us and I felt the warm tears again, shit...

" I am sorry love I didn't mean t-,"

" Save it," I cut her off walking out of her sight, I didn't want her to see me cry, I was pissed , Vincenzo would never leave me like that.

He wouldn't.

Are you sure?, I heard a little voice say in my head.

I walked as far as my legs could take me, I was seriously craving for a nature walk, that was one of the things I missed about little Killy, it wasn't hard to go for a nature work when I left little Killy since the town we moved to wasn't that far from little Killy.

Yes, the city had parks yet they were never like ones in little Killy where I had nature all to myself.

I dragged my heavy legs until they felt heavier, my head hung low as I arrived at my destination, the closest park to the hospital.

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