12: Pistachio green.

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I wandered around the house, it was just too huge for my liking, I could hardly even find anyone's room, I mean who the hell build's a house this big?, And for what.

It was beautiful though, it looked like I was living in a five star hotel with the Gold white Walls and the white marble floor.

It also had two spiral staircase which had a big golden chandelier hanging right above the middle, I knew my room was extravagant yet I would be kidding myself if I said the house wasn't amazing.

The worse part was though that I couldn't find the kitchen and I was super hungry.

" Ow," I cried as someone bumped into me, it was a boy, he looked at me for a while and made to leave but then I saw the wound on his knuckles and my body moved faster than my brain.

" You are hurt," I said grabbing his hand, both knuckles were dripping with blood.

" How the hell did you get hurt," I examined it, was he crazy?, Why would he hurt himself like that.

" It's none of your fucking buisness," he snapped snatching his hand out of my hand .

" You need to treat your hand you know," I gave him a glare.

" What does it matter to you?, And who the hell let you in?, Stay the fuck away from me." He shouted.

Okay, that's it.
" THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!," I shouted snapping my hands in front if me, " If you say one more word I will beat your ass," he shut up immediately.

"Now, this is what will happen , I am going to treat your hand and you are going to shut your fucking mouth and let me do my job okay," I wasn't the type to swear but I was going to if needed.The boy looked surprised, he opened his mouth like he was going to say something.

" I wasn't joking when I said I will beat your ass," I snapped glaring at him since I was starting to get annoyed.Being a pediatrician is really getting to my head , really.

I dragged the boy to my room since I knew no where else, there was a first aid box in the room, I grabbed it and placed it on my bed.

Then I made the boy sit and I opened the kit." What's your name?, " I decided to have a little chitchat, the boy was quiet .Great, another Vincenzo.

" I am speaking to you boy," I ordered in a threatening tone, it had worked for Vincenzo once before, it definitely would work for the boy too.

" William," he replied clenching his fist, I bet it hurt so I blew it.

" Sorry, it must hurt a lot, why would you hurt yourself so much, you and Vince are so similar," I sighed.Vincenzo liked punching the wall when we fought.

The boy didn't say anything.

" Lily," I heard Vince say by the door.

" Get out, you can see I am busy, you won't let me go to work, I can atleast treat a boy who needs it," I said in a stern voice not keeping my eyes off William's knuckles.

"William," Vince called and the boy retracted gis hand.

" Don't," I warned.

William looked hesitant so I grabbed his hand and continued what I was doing.

" Lily," he was obviously angry .

" I said I am busy," I snapped finally looking at him." Just leave Vincenzo, Go AWAY,"

My breath hitched when I spotted him, he looked so handsome in the midnight blue suit he was wearing, I felt like jumping on him seriously but then I remembered I looked like shit in the t-shirt I wore.

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