Chapter 3: Part of a Team

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"Okay, that's what I would call a disadvantage..." Nya says, surrounded by three mysterious ninjas.

"Wait, Master didn't told us it was a girl!" The ninja with the nunchucks exclaimed.

"Does this change anything?" The one with shurikens asks.

"Of course not, guys!" The one with the scythe looks to the other two for a moment. Nya take the chance and attacks the ninja with nunchucks, shoving him out of the way from the door and getting outside.

"Who are these guys?!" She thinks for herself. Right after that, a shuriken pass flying close to her face. One of the attackers is getting close by. Nya keeps running until she finds herself in front of the door to the training site. She quickly open the door and escape outside.

"Got you now!" The ninja with the scythe manages to catch up with her trough the rooftop, jumping to the ground, almost hitting the girl this time. The other two soon come from inside the monastery after that.

"That was close!" Nya exclaims. She notices that she got closer to the dragon statue with the button to activate the training. She has a idea, and look in her attackers direction. "You know what? I think you should train your skills a little more!" She presses the button.

"Hey! What's the problem with our- Ow!" One of them complains, but ends up getting knocked by one of the training dummies. The trio then start to dodge everything they can. Nya takes action and jumps to attack the ninja with nunchucks from before, landing on him as both start fight in the floor. The other remaining see this and jump in the fight, dogpiling on the pair.

"I got her!"

"No, that's my feet!"

"Ow! She bit me!"

"Leave me alone!"


"Stop!" Wu comes out of the monastery, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes. The other ninjas quickly get up from the ground.

"Yes, Master." They answer and nod together, almost synchronized. Nya slowly get up too, confused.

"Wait, hold on... they're your students too?" She points to them. Instead of replying, the old man just nodded. "So I guess this was my final test, wasn't-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" One of them cut her off. "Master, you never said anything about a fourth person. It's always three, y'know? Like the Three Blind Mice. Three Musketeers. Three-"

"Uh, what he's trying to say, Master Wu, is that the three of us have trained together for some time now." The guy with the scythe decided to intervene. "We're a solid team." He finishes, bumping one hand on one fist.

"Sure, you really did looked solid to me." Nya thought, but didn't said anything, just crossing her arms instead.

"Master, what is the meaning of this?" The more calmer of the group asked, looking at Wu.

The elder kept quiet for a moment, but finally answered. "I guess I should've explained better the situation about our new guest when I sent that letter to you."

"Yeah, no kidding. We thought something had happened to you, after reading that you needed all of us back urgently!" The ninja with nunchucks exclaimed, annoyed.

Wu waves his head. "I suppose the damage has already been done now." The elder walks closer to the group. Then, he lifts his staff. "Each of you have been chosen. Each in tune with elemental properties." He gets in position. "But first, ninja, Go!" Wu uses his Spinjitzu and go trough each one of them, changing the outfits of the four ninja and giving each one a weapon.

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