Chapter 24: A Lesson on Rumors

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A bird lands on one of the windows of the Destiny's Bounty and begins to happily chirp. It quickly stops when a shoe hits the wall besides the window, as Nya keeps throwing everything on their bedroom around.

"Where is it? It has to be here!" She said, desperate as she keeps looking for whatever she lost.

A whistling comes for the door, making the girl turn her attention to the new sound. It was Lloyd, peeking from the door.

"Ugh, great." The red ninja grunts. "What do you want, Lloyd?"

"Oh, uh. Nothing." The boy mumbles. "I'm looking for Kai. I wanted to show him a drawing I made." He was holding a piece of paper.

"Why do you want to show him a drawing?" She asked, stopping her search.

"None of your business." The boy punts, annoyed.

"Well, you're not going to find him here." She said. "His room is on the other side of the ship."

"I know that!" Lloyd said. "But I knocked in his door and he didn't answered. And I couldn't enter too, since he put that lock on his door."

"Oh, yeah. That stupid lock." Nya thought. It was just one of the recent mysteries at the Bounty from the last few days. When Nya and Zane came back from their groceries, they found Jay and Wu in a mess, a reclusive Cole with a black eye, and Kai, more quiet than never. The duo tried to understand whatever happened during their absence, but no side said a word.

"What happened here, anyway?" Lloyd's question made Nya come back from her thoughts. She looked at the mess she made.

"Oh. I'm looking for my folder's projects." The girl paused, asking herself why she told the boy that. It's wasn't like he saw it before.

"Uh, it was like a light-blue thingie?" The blonde scratched his head. Nya's eyes wided.

"Yeah, that's it!" She exclaimed, relieved. "Where did you saw it?"

"Uh... I saw Cole taking a look on it yesterday." For some reason, the boy seemed nervous. "He laughed after looking at some of the papers, then... he put it on one of the opened windows."

"WHAT?!" Nya's face had become as red as her gi. "No, no, no, no! If must have fallen trought the window during our flight, then! Uuuhg! COLE!" She stormed away for her room.

"I think I saw him on the bridge!" Lloyd shouted, with a mischief smile on his face.


In the kitchen, Cole is preparing some dish on a big pan. "You know what, Cole? Zane was right." He spoke to himself as he keep stirr the content with a wooden spoon. "Cooking can be relaxing, too."

The black ninja suddendly hear someone entering the kitchen. He quickly looks and find Lloyd, looking around.

"Hm. Kai's not here either..." The kid mumbles. He notices Cole staring at him. "Hey, Cole. Have you seen Kai?"

"Huh? Uh, no." Cole looks away. The boy didn't had a chance to talk with Kai again since their fight. They didn't looked at each other in the eyes since them.

"What is this?" Lloyd curiously asked, looking at the smoke coming from the pan. "It's our lunch?"

"Mm-mmh!" Cole nods. "Violet Berry Soup, my newest culinary achievement. Now I wanna see someone say I can't cook for my life." He picks a small portion with the spoon. "If the recipe is not followed exactly..." The older boy tries a bit, only to quickly spit it out.

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