Chapter 21: A Troublesome Day

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"I'm hungry." Says a girl from her seat inside of a car. "When are we going to get home?"

"Don't worry, sweetie." A man, probably her father says from the driver seat of his car. "Today looks like a calm day in the city, I'm sure we will be back with no prob-"

A pair of motorcycles pass like a lightning in front of the man's car, frightning him as he looks everywhere around him.

"What was that?" He speaks to himself, nervous.

Meanwhile, said pair of motorcycles keep passing trough the streets at maximum speed.

"Nya, I think this is a good place to stop." Zane says from his cycle, slowing down.

"Yeah, you right. We almost hit that car behind us." She agrees.

As soon as their vehicles stop, they become the Golden Weapons once more. Both of the ninja are wearing more casual clothes today.

"I think we are finally getting the hand of using our vehicles." The white ninja says, confident.

"We sure are." The red ninja agrees, looking around her. "No matter how many times we come here, Ninjago City looks really amazing, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, although I sense the reason for think that comes from the fact that we lived in small villages." The blonde says, looking at the shops and buildings while they walk.

"Maybe." She shrugs off. "Let's see now... What were we supposed to buy, again?" The girl ponders.

"Our first thing to do is look for a renowned craftsman of robes. Master Wu said that he has a important order to make." Zane comments.

"Then we have to buy groceries, some new tools for Jay and I, a sewing kit and hair gel for Kai..." Nya keeps listing everything.

"Cole also asked for some cake, and Lloyd demanded some sweets." The boy keeps going.

"And Master asked for some tea from a tea shop." The girl speaks. "What was the name again? 'Mistook'...?"

"I think the name is actually 'Mistaké's Teas'." Zane corrects her.

"Yeah, that." Nya nods. "Let's go. This is looking to be a long day..."

The pair take some time asking around and looking for the craftsman, without success.

"That's strange. We asked everywhere, and we didn't found a single clue to who this person is or where it could be his home." Zane speaks, worried.

"Maybe we missed something or-" Nya started before noticing a heated conversation from a alleway. "What's that?"

"It would be wise not to meddle in problems that aren't ours." Zane says. "Espeacilly in this city."


Nya and Zane take a quick glance at each other, thinking the same same thing. They nod at the same time before running towards the comontion.

In the other side of the alleway, there's was a diner, where a pair of skeletons was being pushed away by a woman with a broom.

"Wait, is that Kruncha and Nuckal again?" Nya asks, surprised.

"Please, ma'am! Just give us a chance! We won't dissapoint you!" Kruncha yelps, as Nuckal gets hit with the broom and loses his head.

"I said go away! Shoo, shoo!" The woman leave them away, furious.

"Ow... What are we going to do now?" Nuckal asks as he puts his Head on his neck again.

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