Chapter 7: To the Underworld

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Wu slowly open his eyes, finally regaining his senses after a long journey down from the Fire Temple. He looks around and finds himself in a dark cave, with giant webs covering everything.

"Hmm... the Underworld." He says, scratching his beard. The old man picks the Sword of Fire, walking until he reaches a open area. A gigantic fortress can bem spotted at the distance.

"Samukai and my brother must be there somewhere..." The elder mumbles to himself. He sees some Skulkin Warriors walking by and hides from them as he wraps up the Sword of Fire, decided to infiltrate at the fortress.


Jay and Zane are slowly taking their way to the Fire Temple, hoping to find their friends.

"Do you think they're going to be fine?" The ginger asks, nervous.

"I do not know." Zane simply says. "I can't even find a reason for them to left us behind." He shooks his head.

"You don't think... Nya ran away, right?" The blue ninja starts to sweat. "Did we do something that she didn't like?" He looks at his friend.

"I suppose we didn't made a good first impression." The other boy answers.

"Maaan, we really blew it up!" Jay begins to panic. "She probably noticed she's too good to be with us!"

"I don't get what you mean." Zane stops, confused.

"I mean look at her!" The blue ninja faces him. "Nya just started, and she's doing pretty fine by herself!"

"I do agree that Nya learns quite fast." The white ninja nodded.

"Not only that! She's amazing! She can kick anyone's butt, she's really funny, is a great mechanic, she's smart, beautiful..." The ginger blushes in his blabbering. "She's everything!"

They both stay quiet for a second. "What... was that last part?" Zane asks.


"About Nya being beautiful?" He asks again.

Jay notices what he's been saying. "T-that was- Darn It!!" He shakes his head, blushing deeply. "Let's just... keep going, all right?"

They continue for a little bit of time, in silence.

"Are you, perphaps, attracted to her?" Zane breaks the silence again.

"Zane! Don't say it like that!" The blue ninja's ears became red. "It's just... I never met someone so cool!" The blue ninja says. "And she seems so nice, too..."
He thinks for a moment as they keep walking, getting closer to their destination now.

Jay turns his head to his friend. "But, if everything turns out well... Do you think I could have a chance with her?" He asks, a little spark of hope in his eyes.

"This sounds like a difficult question... Oh, look! We made it!" The white ninja points at the Fire Temple stairs. They quickly follow them to the entrance, closed down now.

"Cole! Nya! Master Wu!" Jay bangs the door, hoping for a answer. "Please, say something!"

Zane looks around the entrance with a bad feeling on his mind. "The Sword of Fire was here," He says. The blue ninja turns at him. "as well our friends, but now... I only sense loss." The blonde lowers his head, feeling defeated once more. "We are too late. The Elemental Weapons have left this realm and are now in the Underworld. The end is drawing near."

"You... you're kidding, right?" Jay starts trembling. "If this is true... There is no hope! We can't cross over trough the Underworld!"

"We might not be able to cross over..." They suddendly hear a voice, coming from inside the temple, as the front door opens and the Fire Dragon comes out, with Nya, Cole and Kai riding the creature. "...but a dragon can." Nya says, confident.

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