Chapter 27: Renewed Wardrobe

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At some point of the Sea of Sand, the Serpentine are wandering around , slythering their tongues and grunting with each other. They weren't very helpful to each other since their last reunion a few days ago.

"We're wasting our time, Pythor." Skales said to the purple snake, who was desperately digging trough the sand with a shovel. "There's nothing here but sand and dust."

"!" Pythor grunts, frustraded. "We have to keep digging. Tell Skalidor to send his troops further underground. According to the Serpentine documents at the Venomari Tomb, The Lost City of Ouroboros is right under us. I know it."

"Oh, please." Skales rolls his eyes, unfazed. "Just face it, your first attempt to unite the tribes failed, and now that you have lost your flock, you've become desperate." He waved his hand.

"Oh, I am desperate, my disloyal number two." Pythor looked at him with a impatient look in his eyes. "But only to bring our kind together so that we can unleash the Great Devourer."

"Oh, yes, the 'Great Devourer'." The Hypnobrai shook his head. "You put too much faith in legends. Besides, all the Serpentine know is to be at war with one another. You're are lucky that all of us agreed to try and find this miraculous city."

Pythor groans, going back to his digging. He soon bumps at something. Surprised, he digged deeper, found a handle on the ground that resembled a snake going upwards.

"Hm-hm-hm-hahahah!" He laughs. "I guess I AM lucky after all." He pulls the handle down like it was a lever.

Suddendly, the ground below them starts shaking violently. Some snakes even begin running away, astonished. The Constrictais that were underground quickly came back to the surface, yelping.

Around them, pillars and houses start emerging from the sand, and a space that resembled a arena was right in the middle of that place, with a statue of a big snake made of rock right in front of it.

"Serpentine!" Pythor shouted in the wind. "I present to you...the city formerly known as the Lost City of Ouroboros!" The few snakes that were around started cheering the serpent, impressed. Skales, in the ground, simply sighed.


Jay gave a deep breath, feeling the wind on his face at the deck of the Destiny's Bounty.

"Aaah... Looks like it's another beautiful day for us." He smiles.

"I couldn't agree more." Zane nods by his side. "We are lucky we had only but good days to fly around the sky."

"Yeah, no kidding." The blue ninja have chills just by thinking about the possibility. "Where are Nya and Cole, anyway? I thought he wanted to train some moves with everyone." The ginger looks around, noticing they are the only ones here.

"About that..." Zane scratches his head. "I'm almost certain that Nya is still trying to talk with Kai about that whole incident."

Jay groans. "Again? I'm surprised she's not put his door down at this point."

"That's precisely why Cole is with her." The white ninja pointed out. "He wants to talk this trough calmly."

"Maybe we should talk with her?" Jay asked, unsure. "I'm worried about her. All of this drama doesn't seem to be helping her."

"Nya isn't the type of person to listen to what others have to say, though." The white ninja ponders. "She usually does whatever she wants."

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