Chapter 19: Your New Best Friend

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At the Sea of Sand, Lloyd is walking alone, follow his map for the Serpentine Tombs once more.

"Hmph! 'Had you released the Constrictai, the Venomari, or heaven forbid the Anacondrai, then we would've had a tussle.', great." He mumbles, mocking Skales words.

The boy stops for a moment, noticing a enormous rock that looked like a snake fang. He takes another glance at the map, finally griming. "I found it!" The boy starts running towards the tomb. "The Anacondrai. The most feared and powerful Serpentine of them all." He takes with himself. "And if they're afraid of the Anacondrai, then the Anacondrai is what they're gonna get. Mwahahahahaha!"

Finally at the front, the kid pulls a flashlight he brought with him, opening the tomb. Throwing the light inside, he see some bones on the ground. The boy gives a few steps inside before seeing a purple snake with a long neck appearing out of thinking air.

"AAAH!" Lloyd shrieks in fear, falling in the ground.

"My sincerest apologies, young man." The snake opens his mouth. "Oh, dear, due to my unfortunate appearance, I tend to have an unsettling effect on people, heh." He helps Lloyd gets up. "Oh, I believe you dropped this." The serpent hands him his flashlight. "Ah, there you go."

"Uh, thank you." Lloyd says, a bit uncertain. "Uh, what happened to the others?" He says, looking around them. Except for that one Anacondrai, there was no one there. Just piles and piles of bones.

"Poor, unfortunate souls. All those years, locked away with nothing to eat." The snake says, looking completely devastated. "Must have slowly starved away until they were just scales and bones." The serpent puts a hand on the boy's shoulder. "And who may you be, my little appetize- Uh, I mean, friend?" He quickly says.

"Lloyd Garmadon." The blonde says, filled with pride. "Son of Lord Garmadon and future dark ruler." He adds. The snake takes his hand off as soon as he hears that, with a surprised expression.

"Oh, hahahaha. How deliciously evil." The serpent speaks, waving his hands like he was having chills. "If I had feet, ooh, I'd be trembling in my boots."

"Oh, heheh. Thank you." Lloyd scratches his head, a little flustered. "And, uh, who are you?" He asks.

"Humbly, I am Pythor P. Chumsworth." The snake says. "And since you've freed me, I am eternally in your service." He bows to the youngster.

"Really? You're not gonna trick me?" Lloyd asks, suspicious.

"Oh, why would I trick you? I hardly have any friends." Pythor speaks with sadness.

"Whoa. I... hardly have any friends too." Lloyd confess, a bit timid to admit that.

"You don't say." Pythor says with a comprehensible look in his eyes.

"Hey, how would you like to be my loyal henchman?" The kid asks, excited. "I've been betrayed by the Hypnobrai and the Fangpyres, and I'm looking to get a little revenge on some ninja too." He says, turning away.

Pythor notices that Lloyd has a map on him. It doesn't take too much time to him for understand what is its content. "Hmm, I love revenge!" He goes back to the conversation. "Oh, you know Floyd-"

"It's Lloyd." The kid corrects him.

"Whatever. I have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful friendship." The snake says with a wicked smile as the pair goes out of the tomb.


The Ninja keep their routine, getting tired of training all the morning.

"Ugh, why is this riddle so hard?!" Jay whines, tossing his nunchucks at the floor. "Zane, you're supposed to be the wisest here! Can't you figure something out?"

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