Chapter 6: Rescuing Him

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Nya couldn't believe that Kai was so close to her. "Kai? Is that really you?" She asks surprised.

"Sorry, I have to go..." Is all her brother says, running away trough the forest.

"Kai! Wait up!" She starts to chase after him, but then stops. "Should I... Wake everyone else...?" The girl looks behind her. They were a good team, but Nya didn't feel full connected with them. "Sorry, guys... my brother needs me." She continues her chase.

It doesn't take too long for her to lose Kai. Nya pants "Kai! Where are you?" She keeps walking for some time, until the girl spots the Fire Temple. Nya sighs. "I hope you're there, Kai..." The girl goes to the entrance when the door opens.

"Nya..." She finally hear his brother's voice once again.

"Kai?" The girl proceeds to the inside of the temple. Suddendly, a hand grabs her arm. Nya screams and tries to attack whoever appears behind her.

The person dodges her kick. "Whoa! Are you serious right now?!"

"Cole?!" The black ninja let her go with a worried expression. "How did you get here?"

"I followed you." He crosses his arms, looking away. "I didn't get to sleep, too much things going on..." He faces her. "But what were you thinking, just leaving like that?"

Nya feels ashamed now. "I... saw my brother. He was close to our camp, but then he dissapeared, I just..." Her look becomes sad. "I wanted to be sure that he was okay..."

Cole sighs for a moment. He then puts a hand on her shoulder. "If your brother is around here, I'm sure we'll find him. Let's take a look, okay?"

The red ninja looks at him, surprised. "Yeah, sure." She answers with a weak smile.

After walking for some time, they finally reach a open space, with a river of lava on the middle. At the other side of the room the pair finds Kai, standing in front of the Sword of Fire.

"Kai!" Nya seems relieved. "Are you alright?" She comes closer.

"Nya, wait-" Cole tries to stop her.

"Don't worry." Kai says, but this time something is different. His physique starts to change, soon growing and morphing into the shadow of Garmadon.

"I'm right here, dear sister." The shadow laughs evilly.

Nya is shocked with this vision. "This... This is..."

"Lord Garmadon." Cole says serious.

"Forgot something?" He taunts both of them.

"You... you can't hurt us here." Nya says, trying to stand up for herself. "You're banished. Trapped in the Underworld."

"And that is why you are going to remove the Sword of Fire for me. Now." Garmadon simply says.

"Yeah, I don't think so, dude." Cole stands by her side. "And there's nothing you can do that can change that."

"Are you sure about that?" The shadow seems to smile. He disappears as the real Kai drops before them,  chained above the lava.

"Kai!" Nya shouts.

"N-Nya!" Her brother says, worried about her safety.

Garmadon reappears. "If you don't remove the sword, how else will you cut the chains to save your precious big brother?" His form circulates them.

Cole gives a serious look at the red ninja. "You know it's a trap. Don't give in..." The girls shooks her head, not knowing what to do.

"Don't worry, Nya!" Kai shouts to her sister. "I can... free my...self." He struggles with the chains for a few moments. "Okay, that's tight." The older brother is dropped closer to the lava, screaming with the action.

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