Chapter 22: Bottled Up Feelings

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Jay followed Kai all the way up his room, wondering if the other boy could have heard anything from their previous conversation.

Inside, Kai pointed at his bed, silently asking for the blue ninja to sit down. Nervous, the ginger does that.

"Uh, so what did you want?" He asked, tense. The brunnete sighed without saying anything for a few moments.

"Okay." He finally speaks. "I need your help with... something."

"Oh, uh... Sure!" Jay answers, confused. Kai wasn't the kind of person to ask for help, especially after their last argument.
"I mean, I don't how I can help, but..."

"Oh, don't worry, it's something you can help, I'm sure of it." Kai moves to a fold screen from a distant side of his bedroom. From there, he picked up something that closely resembled a backpack.

"What is that?" The blue ninja slowly asks, uncertain.

"It's... Uh... Kind of a jetpack?" The other boy says. "At least that was what I was trying to do. But as you can see, I'm not the better mechanic out there." He rolls his eyes. "Do you think you can finish?"

"Ha, that's piece of cake." Jay says, confident. He suddendly thought about something. "Wait... Why don't you ask for Nya's help? I think she would do a better job than me."

"Yeah, I could." Kai looked tense. "But... I don't want to... ruin her surprise." He talks slowly.

"A surprise?" The ginger gives him a confused look.

"Y-yeah, that's it." The brunnete nods. "I wanted to give her a gift for going so far until now." He scratches his head.

"That's a weird choice for a gift." Jay points out. "Like, a jetpack for a ninja?" Kai gives him a dark look. "B-but I'm sure you know what you're doing. Heheh."

"Yeah, sure." The hotheated boy looks away. "You can take it to your work room or whatever, just give me back before Nya comes back."

"Don't sweat, man." The blue ninja grims, starting to walk away.

"One more thing." Kai stops him. "Don't think this will help your situation with my sister. So you better back off."

"I... thought so." The other boy frowns.


Kruncha and Nuckal led Nya and Zane to a unremarkable house, almost off from Ninjago City limits.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Nya asks, suspicious. The pair of skeletons fiercily nods.

"If so, I sense they don't like to be disturbed." Zane ponders. The place almost looked abandoned.

"Heheheh. If you could make the clothes and armor that this family do, you would want to be out of the radar too." Kruncha grims.

"Now, if I remember correctly, Master Samukai had a secret knock to call them." Nuckal knocks the door, trying to remember.

"W-who is it?" A timid voice comes from the other side of the door. "Is that you, Samukai?"

"Nuh-uh. Just Nuckal and Kruncha this time!" The eyepatched skeleton says.

"Just... Just the two of you?" The Voice asks.

"Yeah, just us!" The skeleton turns to the ninja and winks at them. They give each other a worries look.

A few moments pass before the Voice speaks again. "Okay... You can enter. The door ia open now." The group enters the house.

"Wait. Something's wrong here." Nya quickly speaks as she notices that the room they entered is engulfed by darkness.

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