Chapter 14: Heated Arguments

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By the time the ninja return to the Monastery, it was burnt down. Some of it was still covered by the flames.

"Oh no! We're too late!" Kai says, saddened by this vision. "Those snakes..." The older brother grunts.

Everyone jumps off Flame, looking at the fire. A cry for help makes them turn around. The other three dragons were still on their cabinets.

"Rocky!" Cole shouts, alarmed. He quickly releases the dragons to gain some fresh air.

"Our home." Nya looks around them, shocked with the destruction.

"Shard! Put this out!" Zane shouts to his dragon. The creature flies and breathes an icy breeze, freezing the burning flames. As the smoke rises, the group looks for something salvageable. "The training equipment, gone." The white ninja shakes his head, dissapointed.

"Our video games, gone!" Jay says, desperate.

"They stole their staff back." Wu says after having a good look at everything.

"What do we do now?" Cole asks, looking at everyone, completely lost.

Kai watches his sister sit on the floor, leaning against the wall. She sighs, closing her eyes and lowering her head. Her brother's sadness quickly turns to anger as he face the other ninjas.

"Are you guys happy, now?!" He says. "If you hadn't leave to have some 'putting houses down' silly adventure, none of this would've happened!"

"What? How everything about this is our fault?!" Cole asks, annoyed.

"Well, let's see..." Kai snarks at the black ninja. "You all leave without explaining anything; we found you by pure luck because I don't know HOW Wu found you guys..." The boy then points at Cole. "And we had to help you get rid of you hypnosis. Congratulions, guys!"

"Kai, that's enough-" Nya starts, but gets cut off by Cole.

"And who are you to say something?! At least we are doing something to stop these guys, because that's our job to do! Try do make a difference before saying things like that." Cole snaps at the spiky-haired boy.

Jay and Zane try to keep them apart as both of them keep to argue. "C'mon, guys... We can do better than that." The blue ninja says.

"This is a teaching moment. We must learn from this." Zane joins him.

"A 'teaching moment'?" Cole shouts in disbelief, turning to Zane now. "What's wrong with you? Don't you get it?! EVERYTHING IS GONE!"

"Ugh, seriously?!" Nya meddles in. "Just shut up, all of you! Stop acting like little kids! Specially you, Kai!"

"Why am I in the wrong here?!" Kai shouts back at her. "They just said I'm useless, while of your four, one was attacking his own team, one was hanging from a rope trying not to fall, and the rest was just looking stupid on their own."

"Wow, thanks for the compliment!" The red ninja says, angry.

"Hey, it's not my fault!" Jay interjects. "Cole was the one dumb enough to get himself hipnotized!"

"Are you really pushing the blame on me now?!" The black ninja crosses his arms. "If Zane hadn't followed that stupid bird, none of this would've happened!"

"Cole..." Wu interveins.

"No, Master, he's right!" Jay says, getting annoyed. "Because of him, we lost everything now! Even my high scores!"

"Is THAT your main concern?!" Nya asks, dumbfounded. "Where are we going to-"

"Enough!" Wu shouts with autority. The group turn to look at the old man. "We are all at fault today. Don't throw the blame on each other. We are a family. Apologize at once. Please." The elder lowers his head.

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