⋆ ★poa ⟿ expecto patronum ★⋆

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Harry's P.O.V. 

Harry knew they did it for the best, but he was still rather annoyed with Hermione and Y/N. He had been the proud owner of the best broom in the world for a few hours. 

Well, he knew Y/N wouldn't have said anything to McGonagall. Hermione must've initiated and Y/N...she saw sense. 

It hurt a little. When McGonagall took his broom away, Harry felt guilty for giving her an angry look. Her face showed the hurt that she wouldn't express aloud.

The girls expressed it in a different way, though. Hermione and Y/N were absent, probably at the library or something. Harry wanted to find them, but Ron always refused. 

Harry's anger calmed down after a few days when Y/N came to him in between class, hugged him, said sorry, then dashed off without another word. 

Ron, on the other hand, was furious. As far as he was concerned, stripping down a brand new Firebolt was nothing less than a criminal offense. 

Winter break ended and he and Ron were walking to class when Oliver Wood caught Harry by the arm. 

"Hey, had a good Christmas?" Wood asked. Without waiting for a response from Harry, he continued, "I've been doing some thinking...and we can't afford an...accident if the Dementors come back..." 

"I'm working on it," Harry said quickly. "Y/N's uncle is training me this week." 

Wood looked extremely relieved. "In that case, have you got a new broom?" he asked hopefully.

Harry answered, "No," feeling bad at the deflated look on Oliver's face.

"Better start looking - the old school Shooting Star is no good," the captain said. 

Ron intervened, "Harry got a Firebolt for Christmas!" he said proudly. 

Oliver Wood's jaw practically dropped to the floor. "A Firebolt? A - I don't believe it! A real Firebolt?" he exclaimed. 

"Keep your voice down!" Harry shushed, putting a finger to his lips. "And don't get excited - I haven't got it any more. McGonagall confiscated it." 

"Said it had to be stripped down," Ron said bitterly, readjusting his bookbag. 

Somehow, Oliver's jaw dropped lower and Harry continued, "She said it had to be checked for jinxes." 

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