⋆ ★gof ⟿ nobody likes spiders, but it didn't deserve that★⋆

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Y/N's P.O.V. 

The next day of Y/N's life passed without incident, unless you count Neville melting his sixth cauldron in potions and almost scalding her fingers. Oh, and Cedric dropping her out of a window. 

Currently, Y/N, Harry, Ron and Hermione were on their way to their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Moody. Harry's hand was holding hers- 

Oh...you want to know about the window situation? 


Right, so Y/N had met up with Cedric in the Hufflepuff common room for an evening, after classes, of goofing around on grounds and in the castle. He'd introduced her to his friends, Liana and Mathew, who kindly greeted her. 

Liana, in Y/N's (professional) opinion, Liana was absolutely beautiful. Straight, ebony hair fell around her shoulders, framing her soft face, set with brown doe-like eyes and red, rosy cheeks. She was the sweetest.

Mathew, well, he was okay. Not that he wasn't good-lookin - just not Y/N's cup of tea. A strong build, sandy brown hair, brown eyes. He was a nice guy, though.

Cedric had told Y/N beforehand that Liana and Mathew were dating, just don't bring it up, because they get shy. 

Liana had complimented Y/N's bracelet, the one with the medieval shield that Cedric gave her. Y/N, flustered, murmured a, "Thank you!" 

Ever the bragger, Cedric held up his own wrist. "We're matching! Protection bracelets - well, they're not charmed, but they're shields. We made a promise when she was five and I was eight to protect each other!" he said. "I bought it for her," he added proudly. 

Mathew and Liana put their hands to their hearts and "Awe-d."

Announcing that they had places to be, Cedric pulled Y/N out of the Hufflepuff Common Room.

"Bye, Y/N!" they said to her, completely ignoring Cedric. Y/N smiled back, and smiled even harder when she heard Liana whisper to Mathew, "I like her, she's nice."

Y/N and Cedric left the couple cuddling on one of Hufflepuff couches, leaving with Cedric's broom. They stopped by at the Hogwarts Broom Shed to pick up a broom for Y/N, since she left her Nimbus 2000 (an additional gift from Remus) at home. Running through the front doors, Y/N had to sprint to keep up with Cedric's long legs. 

"Keep up!" Cedric yelled.

"It's not my fault that you're built like a beanpole!" Y/N shouted back, huffing and puffing. 

"Well, it's not my fault that you're built like a-" 

"Built like a what, Diggory?" Y/N asked once they had stopped, finding a large patch of grass. She shifted the Forever-Flying Quaffle that Ron had gotten her for her birthday in her hands, glaring at Cedric.

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