⋆ ★gof ⟿ choices made★⋆

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Y/N'S P.O.V. 

Y/N, Harry, Ron and Hermione walked to the Owlery that afternoon so Harry could fill Sirius in on his survival of the task. 

Harry and Ron walked ahead of them, chummy once more, while Harry (who had the golden egg tucked under his arm and the miniature Horntail in his pocket) filled Ron in about Karkaroff and Moody and all. 

Trailing a little ways behind them was Y/N and Hermione. Hermione was trying to refresh Y/N's brain - apparently, during the task, a boulder had exploded and released shards of silvery metal. 

"It was you," said Hermione. "You made it...move backwards. It has to be - your eyes were glowing white again, not the usual emotional glow, but a bright one." 

"But how do you know-" 

"Metal doesn't do that normally," Hermione said tiredly. "And you seem to have an affinity for metal, right? The beads on Elijah's bracelet, the dragon ring, the flask that turned into a knife-" 

Y/N shushed Hermione, "Alright, yeah. But I didn't do it, at least, not on purpose." 

Hermione contemplated this. As they reached the doors of the Owlery, she said, "Letter Remus. Even if he can't tell you what's happening, isn't it best that he knows?"

"Yeah, alright," Y/N muttered. It could have been any teacher with any spell, but something deep down told her it wasn't. 

"...Harry, if it was Karkaroff who put your name in the goblet, he's going to be feeling really stupid now, isn't he? Didn't work, did it? You only got a scratch! Come here - I'll do it!" Y/N heard Ron say as they approached the boys. She knew that he was making up for all the nasty things he had said, but it was sweet nonetheless. 

Y/N smiled as Pigwidgeon came and crashed into her shoulder, Ron chasing him. She called to Bandit, who swooped down from one of the higher levels of perches. 

"Got parchment, Hermione?" asked Harry, putting the golden egg down on a ledge.

"Yeah," said Hermione, pulling out parchment and quills for Harry and Y/N. The two shared an inkpot to write their respective letters. 

In her letter, Y/N outlined what she remembered of the odd metal shards (since she was more focused on Harry...) and Hermione helped her fill in the rest. 

Bandit hooted happily and took the letter in his beak, flapped up to Y/N's shoulder to nuzzle into her cheek, then flew out of the Owlery. 

Harry's letter looked pretty long to be just reassurance. When Y/N glanced over, she saw that he was giving Sirius a play-by-play at how he beat the dragon. It was quite cute, how excited he was. It pulled a small smile onto her lips. 

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