⋆ ★gof ⟿ dumbledore said calmly★⋆

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Y/N's P.O.V. 

Snape kept Y/N, the twins, Elijah and Lee back after the feast. Everyone else was laughing and smiling, wondering who would submit their names for the Triwizard Tournament. There was a twenty-four hour period during which students could put their parchment forth for a chance. 

While sitting in a classroom just off of the Great Hall, Y/N was with Elijah and Lee while Fred and George spoke in whispers. Y/N caught something along the lines of...

"Is it ready?" from George. 

"Will be by tomorrow morning..." Fred muttered back.

"Right...been working on this shit all month. Better work." 

Honestly, Y/N was too tired to actually care. She'd probably find out tomorrow morning anyway, so why worry over it now. Her eyes drooped tiredly, so she shoved her wand in her pocket so it didn't sleep from her hand.

Elijah, apparently, noticed. Softly, he put a hand to the side of her face and lowered Y/N's head onto his shoulder. 

She was tiredly closing her eyes by the time Snape had finished telling them off. He set their detentions, then left them to sit in the classroom for thirty more minutes. 

The candlelight reflected off of Elijah's silver ring, (The one with the black stone and the red "x,"). It turned the red slightly orange, almost mesmerizing Y/N. 

Sleepily playing with it, Y/N barely realized the smile playing on Elijah's features. She only caught the glares that Fred and George gave them, while Lee was happily talking to them, twiddling his thumbs. 

Snape returned an hour later, giving no heed to his half-an-hour promise. He roughly threw them out of the room, making Y/N groan, as she was on the precipice of sleep before he had rudely interrupted. 

The four Gryffindor's bid Elijah goodbye. Y/N gave him an extra hug and he hugged her back, hands around her waist. "Bye, Ellie," she mumbled. 

"Goodnight, pretty lady," he said. He brought a hand down to hold hers, and played with the metal beads of the bracelet he had given to Y/N. 

"I thought I was a rascal?" Y/N asked playfully. 

Elijah put on a teasing expression. "Well, the prank...I guess it would count you as a rascal. But I think it also makes you even more of a lady." 

Y/N didn't exactly understand, because she was too tired to actually use her brain. 

"Goodnight," she said, letting Fred and George lead her away from the Slytherin, who sent her a smirk and started towards the dungeons. 

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