⋆ ★gof ⟿ clingy, are we, scarhead?★⋆

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Y/N's P.O.V. 

The next day, Bill and Charlie arrived at the Burrow. Y/N was upstairs getting ready for the day, having just pulled on another Weird Sisters tee-shirt, she heard Missus Weasley shout, "Y/N, dear! Come downstairs - Bill and Charlie are here and I'd like you to meet them!" 

"Coming!" Y/N called. 

When she arrived in the kitchen, she immediately knew which one was Bill, because she knew the other was Charlie.

Ron had said that Charlie worked with dragons in Romania, so Y/N decided that the shorter, stockier redhead with burn scars along his arms was Charlie. He had a good-natured, freckled face which was tanned and weathered from working outside.

That meant that Bill, a Gringotts curse-breaker, had long hair, tied into a low ponytail. He was dressed in a leather jacket, with a fang earing dangling from one ear. He wouldn't look out of place at a rock concert.

"Hey - Earing, Dragon Boy - I'm Y/N," Y/N said, easily finding nicknames. 

Bill and Charlie grinned back and greeted her. "Nicknames already?" Charlie asked, bemused. 

Y/N stuck out her tongue, already comfortable around the two. "Don't feel special, Dragon Boy. Everyone gets them." 

"Yeah," Ron said sadly, sitting at the table. "I've been stuck with, 'Ronnie," for four years," he grumbled. 

"You love it," Y/N said, taking a seat. 

"I love mine," Hermione offered with a smile. 

Ginny gave a frown, "I haven't gotten one yet!" she said. 

With an extremely exaggerated eye roll, George said, "Don't worry, Gin. Your ceremony is coming...look out." 

Y/N laughed, mocked him, then turned to Missus Weasley, who was preparing breakfast. Peering into the pan on the stove, Y/N observed that bacon was being made. 

Charlie studied Y/N's tee-shirt. "I have a friend who listens to them," he said. "She came to help in Romania with some issues - Auror in training." 

"She sounds amazing," Y/N grinned. 

"You two would get along, I feel," Charlie said. 

Fred and George whispered something about pranking Y/N's later, so she threw a bunched up napkin at each of them in turn, then walked to Missus Weasley.

"Need help with anything, Missus Weasley?" she asked the woman.

Missus Weasley turned, a broad, bright smile blooming on her motherly features." of course, dear!" she exclaimed. "We're  going to be cleaning for Harry!"

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