3. Father in law

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Freen's pov.

Becky is kind of cute. I really liked her company. I'm not usually a talking person. But when I saw her again I wanted to talk to her. Like talking to her won't do anything bad right?

We had a very good time. As usual my crazy friends did their banter. I noticed that Noey was looking at Irin so much. New conquest i guess.

We had to return to our campus for our gang meeting. Even though the 'serpent' gang hasn't been active lately. We think that they are planning something, cause we got information about them planning about attacking our gang. And we wanted to prepare for anything that might happen.

The Serpent gang is our Rival gang. we can't actually call ourselves rivals. Cause they do illegal activities and we always stop them. They victimized so many people for selfish desire. We tried to put an end to that gang, but we couldn't end them completely there cause their network is larger than us. Now they are trying to take revenge on us. The only thing we know is, that they are also from our campus. So we have to be careful.

As the meeting ended I went to my company to finish my work there.

I reached my home back at 11 pm. It was a tiring day so I went to sleep as soon as I laid on my bed.


I woke up early today too, I have to meet my dad today. So I went to my home.

My house was near so i reached there in 15 minutes. Mom was making breakfast. I gave her a kiss and asked about dad.

"He is in his office, go and meet him he's been waiting for you honey" she said and i nodded

I went to his office and saw him with another person. My dad saw me and smiled

"Sit down Freen" he said and i did.

"How are you my babygirl, you look tired" he asked

"I'm doing good dad. Just the university stuff is a little stressful" I said and he nodded

"I want you to meet your father in law " he said looking at the man beside me "my old friend and our business partner" he added

"It's nice to finally meet you sir" I said and bowed at him

"Don't be so formal Freen, after all we will be a family soon" he said and smiled "just call me uncle or dad, just like you call your old man" he said and they both chuckled

"Ok uncle" I said awkwardly

"So you will meet your bride in 3 months, and she will move in with you" my dad said and i nodded

"Oh, she can be a little stubborn Freen, be patient with my daughter" he said

"Sure uncle" I said

"And you will marry her after you finish your studies Freen, so be ready " my dad added

"Uncle does she about this marriage. And about me" i asked

"Not really Freen, I'm planning to tell her soon. But I'm sure that she will like you when she gets to know you" he said and smiled.

But the thought about she getting disgusted about finding the truth about me was fuelling my anxiety.

"Don't think too much Freen, everything will be fine" uncle assured me

"Do you wanna see her Freen" dad asked. Do I wanna see her. What's the point of seeing her

"No dad, I wil meet her when the time is right" I said and they nodded

After the talk with dad and uncle. I went back back to mom.

"What happened Sweety " she asked worriedly

"Nothing mom, I'm getting late for class " I said and smiled

"Ok, but eat before you leave. I haven't seen you in a while baby" my mom said.

"I've been busy mom. But i promise I'll come back this week" I said and she gave me food to eat.

"Oh look who came back" it was Engfa

"That was a surprise visit" Noey said

"Shut up, why are you even here" i asked

"We came to eat, ofcourse duh!" Neoy said

"Don't you have home" i asked

"Well our aunty invited us for breakfast" engfa said

"Oh, you girls are late" my mom said and served them breakfast

"Noey was sleeping too much aunty" Engfa said

"Oh now the blame is on me. You were the one who talked too much to your girlfriend in the morning and forgot to wake me up" Noey said

"Ok girls, eat your food first" mom said and they did

"Are you ok Freen" enfa asked

"Let's talk about this later" I said and they nodded.

After breakfast we all left in our own car. And we reached the campus together. All eyes were on us. Like who wouldn't look at us.

"Don't look at other women, I don't want Char to murder you now" I said, when I saw engfa cheking someone out.

"I wasn't" Engfa defended

"Can you tell me what happened" Noey aksed

"Yes, I will. Let's go to counsil room" i said and we went there.

"So what happened" Engfa asked.

"My finance is coming to live with me in 3 months" I said and they all looked at me.

"Finally, we will meet her" Noey said excitedly

"What's bothering you Freen" Engfa aksed

"I don't know, what if she -" they didn't let me finish my words

"Don't worry too much Freen, if she doesn't feel comfortable we will talk to your dad. Don't worry na we will be there for you" Noey said and patted my shoulder

"And we will also try to talk to her. And I'm sure she will like you once she gets to know you Freen" Enfga said

"But if you don't want to marry her, tell us ok. We will talk about it to uncle" engfa added

"I don't really have a choice in this" I said

"You have Freen, if you say no. I'm sure that your parents wil stop this wedding " he said

"But I don't want to let my parents down. He made a promise and I'll keep it" I said frustrated

"We know buddy. And I'm sure if you say no, before the wedding your parents won't mind it" Noey said

"I don't want to let them down guys. I want to do this for them" i said and they nodded

"Whatever happens we here for you girl" Engfa said and Noey nodded

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