68. Always and forever

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Charlotte's pov

I know everyone is still affected by the memory of that day. Even though we are happy now. It still haunts us and it was difficult to move on from it.

After paying our respects to Seng we all went to the ice cream shop and we promised our little baby boy.

"Don't eat too much ice cream Finn" Becky said and we all Chuckled

"You know that he will eat so many" I said and she nodded

"Yeah i know, you guys are spoiling him too much" she whined

"Ooi he's our little boy" Nam said

"Come on, it's not fair. Where Lilly" Becky asked. Lilly is Nam's and Mind's daughter. She's a year old now.

"She's with Mind's parents, they love her more than us now" Nma pouted.

Yes, Nam and Mind got married 2 years ago and Mind's parents accepted them and they loved Nam very much. But after Lilly they take care of Lilly more than Nam does

"Don't be jealous, shes still your child na" Becky said and we laughed.

"How's the wedding preparations going" Nam asked

"It's tiring p'Nam but at the same time it's good cause it's a double wedding " Becky said

Yes Engfa proposed to me 6 months ago and Noey and irin were already engaged at that time so we all decided to have a double wedding.

"I guess my Becca is working too much for her idiot friends " Nam said chuckled

"Of course p'Nam, because of them I'm tired everyday" seh said and pouted.

"Aww my poor thing" nam said as she hugged Becky

"Mama here ice sceem for yuh" Little Beckett came back and gave his mama some ice cream.

"Wait mint chocolate??" I asked her and she smiled shyly

"Oh my god Bec" Nam yelled and she chuckled

The others came to us and asked what happened.

"Do you know what flavour Becky ordered" i asked and they nodded.

"Yeah mint Chocolate, so what" Engfa asked

"Oh my Bec" irin squealed

"What's happening" Engfa asked

"Don't be a stupid ass, don't you remember we had to buy this flavour at midnight for Becky's cravings" Noey asked and Engfa got it.

"Shit, how long are you" Engfa asked and we all looked at Becky.

Then we heard the door opening sound "Don't bother my wife" we all turned around and saw Freen coming towards us.

"Oh my god buddy, why didn't you tell us before" Noey asked and Freen looked puzzled. Becky chuckled and went beside Freen. She held her hand and placed Freen's hand on her tummy and whispered something.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna be a daddy again" she yelled and lifted Becky.

We are so happy to see them. They deserve this happiness. After all they suffered a lot.

After we saw our baby boy, aunty went to Becky. We can't give to her cause she's still under observation.

By now we are sure that, Becky will be alright. But Freen, we haven't gotten any news. The surgery took longer than we expected. It was 4 'o' clock in the morning. The doctor came from the operating room.

We all went near them "how is she" uncle asked

"The surgery is successful, we have removed the bullet and her heart is also safe. But because of the blood loss and the shock she's now in the coma. We hope she will wake up soon. We are monitoring her now. You can see her after we move her to a room" the doctor said and all nodded

"Thank you doctor" mr Chankimha said. His eyes were already red.

"Why don't you guys go and wait for her in the room, we will transfer her in an hour" he suggested and we all nodded.

We requested that Becky's room and freen's room should be near and they fulfilled our request. We are currently outside the room waiting for Freen. While Mr. Armstrong, mr Chankimha and mrs Chankimha are inside the room.

Ritchie went to buy some food and drinks for us.

Freen came, she was looking lifeless. There is a hope that she can wake up anytime. We waited for hours and uncle asked us to go and change. And we did as he asked.

It's been a month now, Becky was taking care of baby and Freen at the same time. We come here daily and help her. Our little baby was a calm one. He always slept and only cried when he was hungry.

We all saw how Becky was suffering through post partum depression. We hoped that Freen  Would wake up soon and held her tightly.

And after month, one day she woke up. We were on our house. As soon as we heard that she woke up we all went to hospital we didn't care that it was midnight and we were wearing our sleepwares. The only things mattered that time was Freen woke up.

When we recehd there we saw Freen and Becky embracing each other. Aunt was holding our little baby and mr and mrs chankima and uncle and Riche looking at them lovingly.

We made our way and they looked at us and smiled. We all went towards them and group hugged.

"Guys easy there, don't crush my wife" Freen said and we all laughed. Still she didn't care if she would get hurt she was looking after wife. And after a long time we all felt complete.

We all are crying from happiness.

"Dada" Little Beckett made his way to Freen and hugged her leg. She lifted him and kissed him

"Look baby your gonna have a little sis or brother soon" Freen said and Beck's face light up

"Yehhhhhh, I would play with my baby sis or brother soon" he squealed and we all laughed at his enthusiasm

"You are late again Freen" Becky said breaking the happiness

"Well, blame your brother for keeping me for long" she simply said

"That riche let me teach him a lesson" Becky mumbled and we all laughed. They are still the same always bickering with each other.

"Let's go home love" Freen said and Becky smiled

"Hooi who's gonna invite us" Nam asked

"It's not like you guys need an invite to come there, you guys are always there" Freen whined

Basically she's right, we are always there, they bought a new house near their parents. And we also bought some houses near them. So we spent most of the time in their house.

"We only come for our little boy not for you" Nam said

"Whatever " Freen said and she rolled her eyes.

Nothing hasn't changed. There are some scars but our friendship can overcame every scars.

We all laughed at their banter and made our way to Freen's home.

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