8. Confrontation

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Becky's pov

As I was looking at the documents i saw some involvement of Armstrong's company and the partner of Armstrong's company have deals with  the serpants. There isn't any name or company name of dad's partner in it.

What the fuck, is dad helping them. Is he doing illegal works. Is he helping the bad guys.

I think I should talk to dad about this matter. I need some answers from him.

I told Nop that i would visit my dad, and he said he will go to campus to take some things.

I reached dad's office and i entered his office. He was talking to someone.

"Oh Rebecca what are doing here" my dad asked

"I need to talk to you and it's urgent" I said

"You can talk here" he said and I looked at the man sitting opposite to my dad "it's ok he's family" he said and i nodded

"Are you really doing illegal works" i asked

"What are you saying Becky" he said. Shock was evident in his face

"Don't lie dad, i saw some proofs about your illegal work with your partner. With the help of a mafia gang. Really dad.... Really. And you want me to fulfill your promise just for some dirty work you did" i asked him angryly

"Enough Rebecca" he said I ve never saw him this angryly

I scoffed "you can't hide from the truth dad, tell me dad why are you doing this to me. Am I a property for doing your illegal stuff. I need answers dad and i won't leave until I get my answers." i asked again

He was silent for some minutes. After some minutes he looked at the person who was sitting opposite to him "I'm sorry for this David i haven't told anyone about it" he said

"It's ok Rob you still have time" the person said and smiled

"What do you wanna know Rebecca " he asked

I scoffed again "are you really doing illegal activities " i asked

"No" he said

"Don't lie dad, i saw your involvement with a mafia gang with your partner in buisness" I said

"There is an involvement, but I was manipulated Rebecca. When I started this company you and your brother was so Little. And your grandmother had cancer at that time. Do you remember " he asked and i nodded. Cause I loved grandama very much. Her death really affected me.

"At that time our company was starting off, and after the diagnosis of your grandmother i was broken. And i had to do everything to make my mom better. And i invested all the money for her treatment. Our company was facing a loss. I couldn't do anything at that time. Then I met Stefan, he gave me partnership and he invested some money to make our company progress" he said and let out a sigh

"That's the biggest mistake I have ever done in my life" he said

"What do you mean" i asked

"He was the chairman of SB company. He also had shares in our company because of the partnership. He used our company to do his dirty works and illegal stuffs." He looked at me. "when I found out about this it was too late. After some fights and argument he withdrew everything he gave and left our company to bankruptcy" he looked at the person opposite to him and smiled

"Then i met my old friend, he helped me grow. At first the board members of his company was against it. Cause we had some involvement in illegal activities so they didn't really approved it." He said and smiled "But he convinced him and helped us. But Stefan wasn't' happy about that. He attacked us again. And we were at the edge." He said

"Then my friend supported me. He helped me in every step. Even when grandma died and i was broken. He took care of the company and he protected us. If he wasn't there for us We would be dead by now." He said and I saw his eyes tearing up.

"And now because of helping us, his company is also a traget. They are doing so many dirty works and stealing our clients. That's why I asked you to fulfil my promise" he added

"Wow, that was a lot to digest" I said and they both chuckled

"So you are not using me" i asked

"How can I do that to my precious daughter, even though she's a pain in my ass. I love her" he said and chuckled

"Dad....." I whined

"What you just accused me without knowing the truth. But I'm glad that you talked about this and didn't't keep it inside" he said and smiled

"I'm sorry for my behaviour Mr.... " I said

"Don't be formal Becca just call me uncle. You are also my daughter" he said and i smiled

"Ok uncle" I said and smiled

"You are a good person Becca. I'm happy to see you finally" he said and i smiled

"And dad don't hide things from me anymore I don't want to find out by any other means and doubt you" i said and looked at him

"I will Becca, but what about you Becca" he asked. I was confused a bit

"What about me dad" i asked

"How did you find out about this information" he asked

"I - it-its jus- " i couldn't say anything. How can I lie I'd ask him to be truthful but how can I say that I'm also a mafia

"Don't try to lie Becca, i know about your little mafia club" he said and I was shocked. how did he find out about that.

"How did-" he didn't let me finish

"I won't stop you Becca, cause it's your decision and you don't do any bad things" he said and i nodded "but be safe Becca these things are more dangerous than you think and your gang is small. I know you guys are smart and fighters so I will never doubt your abilities but I want you to be careful princess" he said

"I will dad. I promise you" I said giving him a smile

"So Little Becca here is a mafia huh! " Uncle said and both my dad and uncle laughed and i pouted. Suddenly we heard the sound of the door opening

"Becca" it was Charlotte and irin

"Here come the other Luna members" dad said

"How did you know?" Irin asked and he smiled

"Don't you have class girls. Go and study" he said

"Ok boss" i said and saluted him. Uncle, dad and i laughed. Charlotte and irin looked at us in shock

"We are leaving dad, see you at home" I said and dragged irin and Charlotte with me.

Thank you dad for being honest

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