Chapter 5 - The Aftermath

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Evelyn's POV 

*I see your car eve, where are you??* -Sophie 

*I really need you guys to distract my parents for a second so I don't have to tell them what happened at the mall, Ashton is with me. He got into a fight, he's okay now I was helping him.*-Evelyn 

*Say no more, I'll tell Gianna. Start making your way to the beach we'll meet you there."-Sophie. 

The sun was beginning to set and I couldn't stop thinking about how that guy had called me a whore and the new 'flavor of the week' I like to pretend like these certain things don't hurt my feelings. Like I can handle it when people talk behind my back and most of the time I can. But he blatantly disrespected me right to my face. Who the hell raised him?

"On a scale from one to ten, how angry are your parents going to be if they see me?" Ashton asks me while he stretches, standing up and wincing from the pain of his face. 

I look at him and give him another apologetic smile. He had laid down for a little bit, resting because he was still sore from the altercation. While he was lying down I was admiring the ocean from the guest room windows.

"Don't worry about that right now, because well they aren't going to see you," I say as innocently as possible. "Come on."

 I make my way towards the door thinking about how he literally just took a bath with me. It wasn't as romantic as I would've pictured but only because there was a bloody mess..and even then, it was still in a way sweet that he wanted to take care of me after I took care of him. 

We discreetly make our way down the stairs and go out of the side door where we had come in from. When we made it out to my jeep once again I took a deep breath in. I caught a glimpse of the sunset and the breath I took in went right back out. It never gets old. Ashton starts pulling me in the direction of the beach and I let him. I think I would pretty much let him take me anywhere honestly. 

"You have plans I didn't know about?" I ask as we go from my backyard to the sandy steps leading to shore. He looks back at me, lets go of my hand, and smiles.

 "You said you'd let me take you anywhere huh.." He says mischievously. 

My eyes go wide, had I said that out loud? Oh my Gosh. This day has wiped me out, seriously now I'm thinking out loud. I can't even trust myself anymore, I chuckle but I'm sure he could tell how unbelievably embarrassed I was from the redness on my cheeks considering I felt them heat up. 

He picks up the most beautiful pearl-colored seashell and hands it to me. I get goosebumps from the way his fingertips brush my hand. I feel him staring at me as I admire the shell and all the thoughts I didn't want rushing in my head start pouring in. What if he's pretending? But the don't obliterate someone that bad over them disrespecting someone you don't care about. 

"It reminded me of you," He whispers, inches away, so close I can practically feel his breath on my face, and I like it.

 "Reminded you of me how?" I ask looking up at those dazzling eyes. 

"It's pure, just like I think your heart might be. It's beautiful just like you and in the back, it has these specks of color, like your freckles. I'm going to be honest with you Evelyn I just met you the other day so I don't wanna come off too intense but-" 

That's when I said to hell with it, and just did what I had been wanting to do three days ago. I kissed him and he immediately grabbed my waist, pulled me in, and kissed me back with my face in his hands, with as much passion as he could muster. And my God, it was heavenly. He pulled back for a second and smiled that captivating smile and those dimples I was becoming infatuated with. 

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