Chapter 12 - Damages pt.2

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Evelyn's POV

Once I got tired of dancing my anger and irritation away, I grabbed some stranger's hand that I saw reaching out to me to help me get off the table. Big mistake, the guy pulled me into him in a drunken haze and I pushed him away saying I wasn't interested, he was very persistent and wouldn't let go. 

"Get the fuck off her," Ashton must've seen what was going on and came to my rescue, and for that I was thankful for. The guy immediately let go of me and I grabbed Ashton's hand. I turn to him, my anger melting away once there's no physical distance left between us anymore. He caressed my shoulder making sure the guy got away from me, I loved how protective he was of me when it was needed. He looks down at me with so much sadness in his eyes I'm taken back by it. 

"Can I talk to you outside baby?" That's when I noticed his eyes tearing up. 

This worries me, so I nod my head and follow him outside. As we were making our way outside, I spotted Sophie and Jax staring us down, they both had a very fearful yet apologetic look on their faces. What was that about? 

I follow Ashton outside, and we're met with the relief of something resembling silence. I look up at him and grab his hands, but his eyes don't meet mine. 

"What's been going on with you Ash? I'm worried about you, all I've been trying to do is be there for you." I say softly. "You can't even look me in the eyes now?" I ask. His gaze meets mine and he bites on his bottom lip. 

"Evelyn, I'm sorry. You didn't deserve me lying to you like that, especially about something so stupid babe. I need you to know I love you alright? I'm so fucking in love with you and you're the best thing that's happened to my life in a long time and if I lost you I-"

I cut him off because he was scaring me now and talking too fast. "Ashton, you're scaring me what's going on??" I ask completely dumbfounded, anxiety building in my chest, squeezing at my lungs. I see him clench his jaw and unclench it. 

"It's going to be a whole year since my brother died, this month. When I lost him, I started self-sabotaging everything good going on in my life. With his death being brought up again I kind of lost it and it's no excuse as to what I did tonight-" He trails off, noticing my eyes start tearing up as I let go of his hands. 

"What did you do?" I whisper, my voice cracking. He's crying now too and I know this is going to hurt, whatever he's going to say next was never supposed to happen. Not with him. 

"Evelyn, please just please it'll never happen again, baby. I can't- I can't lose you Eve it was a stupid mistake, and I wasn't thinking." 

"I was drinking earlier today, and Nicky had called me to check up on me and she said she felt lonely and I- I went over to her house to see if she wanted to come to the party and one thing led to another in the room here and we kissed." He says fumbling over his words, tears streaming down his face now. I felt a piece of my heart break a little. I had no words. 

"Evelyn nothing else happened I swear okay, we just kissed we didn't have sex I swear I wouldn't do that to you." He pleaded. 

"How the fuck could you do that to me AT ALL? She was your brother's girlfriend?? Did you not think about me at ALL? How the FUCK could you?" I yell at him pushing him away from me as he lets me shove him. I was so small compared to him that he barely moved which just infuriated me even more. 

"I'll do anything to prove to you it didn't mean anything Eve, please. I fucked up, I'm sorry baby please I can't fathom the thought of losing you, please." He begs as he tries touching me and I flinch at his attempt to. The way I flinched at his touch hurt him and I could see the pain in his eyes but I'm sure he could see mine as well. 

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