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Sam clutched her study books tightly to her chest as if they were her lifeline. Her soft brown hair hung loosely over her shoulders in gentle waves. Her head turned forward just a little, tipping some of her hair to shield her pale brown eyes from the world around her. Having lost her family just under a year back to rogues, Sam wanted nothing more than to move on with life, get a job and -hopefully- find her mate. Sam was abruptly pulled from her train of thought when someone smashed their towering body into her fragile one. Unable to find her footing, Sam flew forward. Dropping her books, she threw out her hands to stop herself from getting hurt. The study books hit the ground first with a heavy bang, followed closely by her gentle thud.

" Watch it, bitch!" The man growled deeply in his throat to her as she scrambled to pick up her books, not daring to look up at the towering form above her. Sam could only hear her heartbeat with how hard it was pounding inside her chest; anxiety rushed through her causing her hands to sweat and her breathing to pick up.

" Apologise to your future alpha, orphan!" A screechy high, pitched female voice stung through the air as Sam sat on her knees, pulling the last book to her chest and nodded her head softly, still keeping her eyes to the ground.

" I apologise, Alpha; it will not happen again." Sam's gentle voice spoke softly as she waited to be forgiven by him so she could stand to her feet again. In the werewolves world, you must kneel before your Alpha when asking for forgiveness. You cannot stand until the Alpha says you are forgiven, or they leave. Either way, this is to humiliate you so that you will never do what you did again. No words came from the Alpha's mouth other than an annoyed grunt before he and his slutty clam walked away from Sam, giggling and laughing at her. A single tear fell from her eye. A soft whimper escaped her throat as she stood to her feet and rushed to her locker, wanting to be anywhere else but here.

'Don't worry; tomorrow is the big day! We will find our mate. Then everything will be fine. He will love and protect us.' Keira spoke in her mind gently. Keira is Sam's wolf and has been her rock for so long, even more so since her parent's passing.

' Here's hoping, Keira.' Sam whispered back to her while putting her books into the now open locker and pulling out her jacket. She wrapped the puffy white coat tightly around her thin body and zipped it up. Sam grabbed her beige backpack and slung it over her shoulders before slamming her locker door shut and twisting the dial to lock it. Sam then turned around and made her way to the school's exit. She opened the doors and shivered at the bitter cold feeling of the winter air biting against her face. Her black boots crunched against the pure white snow as she walked over the parking lot while clutching her bag tighter to her body. Her cold, red hand moved up and softly tucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear. Her pale brown eyes watched her usual path home.


Sam pulled her coat tighter around her as she walked to school, today was her 17th birthday, and today was the day she finds out her mate. To say she was nervous was a complete understatement.

' Don't worry; he will love us. And he will protect us from those heathens.' Keira spoke gently to Sam as they saw the school ahead of them.

' I hope you're right. I have lost my family; I don't know what I will do if he rejects me.' Sam whispered gently with a slight hint of fear. Sam straightens herself up before walking into the parking lot of the school. It only took two seconds, and the most delicious scent filled her nose. It was a fresh smell of freshly squeezed limes with a hint of mint, so clean. It was bliss to Sam as her eyes scanned the area in hopes of finding the source. Then she heard a growl as it ripped through the air before her upper arm was gripped tightly by a large, strong hand. Tingles rippled through her body, and she instantly knew the hand belonged to her mate.

' It's him! It's our mate!' Keira screamed happily in Sam's mind as a small smile formed on Sam's lips. It only took a moment to realise her mate had just dragged her away from school and into the surrounding forest. She looked up at the tall man towering over her; his broad shoulders were perfect and held a lot of power. His arms were also thick with muscles, and it was clear that he worked out a lot. Suddenly his hand released her arm, leaving her cold and wanting more of his touch. He never turned around to face her; instead walked a few feet away. This action hurt Sam, but she did not let that show. 

"Why?" His deep voice ripped through the air. Sam was confused about what he meant; before she could ask him anything, a deep growl that echoed through the forest emitted from him, "Why you!" He growled, turning around to face Sam with an almighty scowl on his face. Sam's heart instantly broke upon hearing those words from his lips. She did not look up to meet him as she was too scared of what would come.

' He won't', Keira whimpered in Sam's head as silence fell onto them.

" Look. At. Me." That firm, commanding voice could only belong to one person. Sam's heart sank into her stomach and her breathing caught in her throat. She reluctantly trailed her eyes up to meet with the stone-cold grey eyes she feared the most.

" A-alpha," Sam whispered in surprise and fear as he towered over her. She stepped back and turned her head to the side to show her neck in submission. A deep growl emitted from the man before her, sending her heart to a new speed she had never felt. Anxiety rushed through her veins as her eyes teared up. He was supposed to be her mate, yet he acted as if he was utterly disgusted by her.

" Pathetic, I refuse to have such a weak mate. I mean, how could you lead this pack by my side? You couldn't even protect your parents!" He spat at her as Sam felt tears prick her eyes at the memories of her parents dying before her. Her breathing caught in her throat as his words ripped into her.

' No!' Her wolf cried as Sam's chin was grabbed forcefully by the Alpha, and she was made to look into his pale, cold grey eyes.

"Please... Don't." Sam begged him as a tear slipped down her creamy white cheek. She swore she saw something flash in his eyes at seeing her like this, desperate and defenceless to him. But that soon disappeared as if it were never there, and they returned to the stone-cold glare.

" I, Future Alpha Gabriel Dawson of the River Red pack, hereby..." He began to speak.

"Please, don't please." She begged as the Alpha continued his speech as if she did not mutter a word to him. Her tears continue to roll faster down both her cheeks.

"Under the witness of the Moon Goddess, reject you as a mate." He spat as soon as those words fell from his mouth; Sam felt her whole being break. Gabriel threw her to the ground as if she were toxic, and Sam landed with a heavy thud. Sam did not move to stand up; she lay still for a moment before she burst into an ear-deafening scream of pain. Gabriel turned his back and walked away from her as she howled in pain. She could feel the mate bond break within her; this pain was on a new level; this was worse than watching her parents being killed brutally in front of her. Gabriel stopped momentarily to look back as slight sorrow edged into his face, knowing he caused this pain to her. He watched her claw at her chest as if to try and get to her heart. Her crying soon calmed to gentle sobs as Gabriel turned to walk away again.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She whimpered to him; this caught him completely by surprise. Why would she be apologising to him when he was the one that was causing her this amount of pain? Shaking his head, he turned his back and walked away from the crying woman on the ground. Little did he know that would be the last time for a while he would see her, for after that morning. Sam never went back home, nor did she go to school. Sam just disappeared from the pack altogether without a single trace left behind. 

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