Chapter 9: Night Club Fights

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" What fucking town does not have a bar! It's un-fucking-heard of!" Sam growled as she sat back onto her bike seat after trying to find a bar anywhere in this town. Her bike roared to life as she speeds away from bleak and boring town to the next one over. Sam watched her distance to the River Red pack, she could not go the other way so she had to go around her old pack and continue northward.

It did not take more than half an hour before she pulled into a larger town and slowed down to scout the area. Before she came across a bar, a square building with strobe lights caught her eye. People were dressed in high riding dresses or jeans and a t-shirt. A loud bass ripped through the surrounding area as Sam smirked and pulled up next to the entrance where people had lined up. The men in the line were laughed and smiling at her as she switched off her engine and lifted herself off the seat.

" Nice bike!" Someone called out as Sam lifted her hand and ran it through her hair, putting her keys into her pocket. As Sam walked over to the front of the door she noticed a man standing in the dark behind a crowd. He was on the phone as his eyes glanced quickly at her, he seemed to panic slight and avert his gaze when she caught him. Sam shrugged it off and continued in as the guards looked once at her and let her pass.

"Hey? How does she get in before us?" A high pitched voice cries to the guards as Sam just laughed and continued to walk deeper into the club. The music grew louder until it could pierce ears and the bass could rest your heart. Sam slipped through the dancing drunks and towards the blue-lit bar. She smiled to the bartender who looked roughly the same age as her, with ginger hair and a beautiful face with green eyes.

" Hello, beautiful." He smirked as Sam smiled to him and leaned onto the counter.

" What's the best you've got?" Sam asked with a sexy side smirk as he leaned closer to her so they were inches from each other's face.

" Well... That would be the Hickey Dicky Cock Shots." He smirked to her looking down to her lips then back. "A single shot of every drink in the bar."

" Sounds good," Sam smirked as he raised his eyebrows.

" Must warn you but, no one has ever managed it." He said to her as Sam chuckled.

" How about I make you a deal. If I don't drink them all then you can douse me in water. But if I do, you have to kiss me." Sam smirked to him as he smirked and nodded outstretching his hand.

" Deal." He spoke before pulling out neon shot glasses and lining them up. He picked up the first three types of whisky, four types of vodka, and about thirteen more colourful range of liquids.

" You ready?" The man asked as Sam nodded her head with a smirk. Sam then began to take the shots one by one and stopped after the tenth.

" Giving up already?" He asked her as Sam let out a burp of air.

" Hell no!" Sam said and down the last ten. She felt the buzz crawl its way into her mind as he slammed down the last shot glass down.

" Well, There we have it. The first person to ever be able to do it." The man laughed as he cleared the empty shot glasses away.

" So what's your name?" The man asked leaning back over to her.

" Sam, you?" She asked.

" Tom." He said with a smirk as Sam leaned closer to him.

" Now... About my kiss..." She whispered as Tom moved closer as well.

" I think I can do that," Tom whispered as Sam made the move and pushed her lips onto his. His lips were soft and warm, but Sam's mind flew back to Gabriel and his kiss. His soft lips on her with his hands leaving tingles in their wake. Tom pulled away with a triumphant smirk on his face.

" Well..." He spoke through her tight smirk as Sam pulled away and sent him a wink.

" Can I have a double vodka and lemonade, hold the ice," Sam asked as Tom nodded and made her drink in a tall plastic glass. He placed it onto the counter and held it away from her.

" Come home with me," Tom smirked to her as Sam leaned over closer to him.

" Maybe." Was all she said before grabbing her drink from his hands and turning her back from him and walking away, swaying her hips. Sam could hear Tom's distant chuckle as she slipped through the crowds and onto the dance floor. She began to jump to the beat of the bass club music, she continued to drink her alcohol as she felt herself tip over the edge of tipsy. The music drowned out the other noises as the strobe lighting flickered different colours transforming her world into a colourful blur. Sam went to take another drink but realised she had finished it so she backtracked again to the bar, ordering the exact same drink.

Once she had her drink she turned around while taking a sip and noticed an all too disgusting smell. Sam sighed as she down her drink in one go and moved towards the exit, but unfortunately, the owners of the smell noticed her and moved towards her. Sam turned around and walked into the dancing crowds to try and lose them. Slipping through the warm, sweaty bodies Sam ran into a rather solid chest when she was not looking.

" Shit." She whispered as she trailed her eyes up to see very familiar blue eyes looking down at her. Sam moved to go around him, but her upper arm was grabbed as she was pulled into his chest. The man's hand gripped her waist with no area to run.

" Now, why would you try and run from me?" His warm breath fanned over her ear. Sam's eyes watched as the rogues moved in on her.

" Gabriel, not now..." She spoke trying to pulling out of his grasp but failed.

" Why would that be?" He asked in a deep husky voice. You could hear the anger towards her laced in the words.

" Duck," Sam told him looking Gabriel dead in the eyes. He gave her a confused look.

" God damn it! Duck!" Sam growled and swiped his legs from under him, he fell to the ground just as a rogue swung his leg to kick him. But thanks to Sam, Gabriel was missed by the foot as Sam smashed her open palm onto the shin effectively blocking the kick. Gabriel watched in slow motion as Sam quickly twisted her body and sent her own roundhouse kick from behind, connecting perfectly with the rogue's face. He flew to the floor as two more rogues jumped over him and charged at Sam, who in turn charged towards them. Just as one of the swung their fist towards her, Sam dropped to the ground and skidded along the ground, she turned around on her feet behind the rogues back and grabbed his head. She threw it down towards the ground with a bang over the loud music. The club went into hysteria at the scene and began to quickly empty. Two more rogues including the other one began to attack Sam simultaneously.

" Gabriel! Run!" Sam yelled at him as she blocked two different punches. As she blocked an upper cup to her jaw, She felt a thrusting kick land painfully on her stomach, sending her flying into the furthest wall. She grunted and quickly brushed off the pain by blocking a forceful kick aimed for her face. She wiped her leg as she held onto the foot which tried to kick her. She took the rogue's last standing away from him and he landed on his back. Sam stood up and punched his face hard once, knocking him out. Another rogue ran at Sam as she jogged towards him and crouched down so she tackled him at the hips and flipped him over her back.

Another appeared in front of her right after so she punched his stomach and grabbed his head. Bringing it down hard onto her knee and threw the unconscious rogue aside. A punch aimed at her face missed her by millimeters as she leaned her head back and caught his hand and twisted it behind his back, pushing it up until she heard the familiar cracking and dislocating of his shoulder she stepped to his side and put her hand over his face, pushing the back of his head onto the ground. Gabriel watched as the dance floor was now empty and filled with fading smoke, the lights making clear lines through the smoke and the music continued to rip through the dense air.

Gabriel watched as Sam's silhouette stand slowly to her feet, he could almost see her blue eyes looking at him. Gabriel slowly stood to his feet carefully as if he could scare her away. He took a step towards her only to have Sam turn and run towards the exit of the club.

" Sam! Wait!" Gabriel yelled as he chased after her. He sure as hell was not letting her disappear again.

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