Chapter 12: Badass?

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"What else do you want to do today?" Gabriel asked Sam as they left the Tattoo parlour and stepped into his jeep as Sam thought about it.

" I'm hungry, so something to eat?" She asked him as Gabriel nodded in agreement and started the engine.

" What do you fancy?" He asked as he sat at a 't' junction waiting to go.

" A cheeseburger!" Sam called out as Gabriel nodded and drove off in the direction of the closest place the sells cheeseburgers. He pulled into the parking lot of a small diner and Sam wasted no time in jumping out of the jeep and running over to the diner. Gabriel chuckled and locked his jeep before jogging after her. She caught up to Sam and picked her up by her waist from behind and spun her around while they both laughed. Gabriel placed Sam back down onto her feet and held her close as they walked to the door of the diner. Gabriel opened the door and guided Sam in with a hand on the small of her back before walking in himself behind her.

" Table for two, please," Sam spoke to the waitress and she nodded grabbing two menus.

" Right this way." The waitress said and guided them to a secluded two person table. Gabriel pulled out a chair for Sam as she smiled in thanks and sat down. Gabriel made his way to his own chair and they picked up the menus looking through them.

" Okay, so what can I get you guys to drink?" The waitress asked pulling out a small pad and a pen.

" I will have a Diet Cola please." Sam smiled at the waitress.

" A normal Cola." He said not even looking to the waitress as he eyed the menu. The waitress smiled and left them alone, Sam then kicked Gabriel's leg causing him to groan and look at her with a scowl.

" What?" He asked confused as to why Sam had just kicked him hard.

" Be polite!" She hissed to him and looked down at the menu. Gabriel smiled before looking down to the menus.

" What are you gonna have?" Gabriel asked her as Sam put down the menu. "Wait... Cheeseburger and chips?!" Gabriel called laughing as Sam nodded joining in with the laugh. The waitress then walked over with their drinks and placed them down.

" Okay, what can I get you guys to eat?" She asked.

" Two cheeseburgers and chips, please," Gabriel told her before picking up the menus and handing them to the waitress, who turned and left them.

" So, I want to ask," Sam spoke looking down to her hands. "My old house, is it still there?"

" Yes, no one has touched it," Gabriel said keeping his eyes trained on Sam who looked up at him.

" Why?" She asked curiously as to why he or his father has not moved a new family into it.

" My father was good friends with your parent, Sam. When you disappeared, my father began looking for you. He told everyone that your house was off limits and that anyone caught going inside would be punished." Gabriel explained to Sam who listened, "He always knew you would come back. But he never knew why you left until when you appeared back."

" How did he take it?" Sam asked curiously as she had heard of the story surrounding the old Alpha's sister being rejected and knew that the ex-Alpha was completely against rejecting your mate.

" He has not spoken nor looked at me since," Gabriel muttered looking down to the table as silence fell over them. Sam played with her fork and knife as they sat in an awkward silence before Gabriel finally decided he had had enough.

" So what did you do, when you left?" He asked Sam with a curious look.

" For three days I wondered the forests, no longer able to talk to Keira I continued to walk aimlessly waiting for death. But I stumbled upon a wooden cabin in most likely the densest part of the forest. An old Native American appeared from the cabin and offered me shelter and food." Sam said and stopped just as the waitress walked over with their food. She put the food down before walking away giving the two their privacy again.

"I told him everything and he took me under his wing, showed me how to defend myself. I stayed with him for the good part of six months before I left. When I did leave, he gave me a pile of money he had saved over five months. It was a fair amount in truth I was hesitant to take it. But his words were that I needed it more than he." Sam stopped to take a bite of her burger as Gabriel continued to listen tentatively to her story.

" I travelled for a while, but in the end. I grew more depressed as the days went by, knowing that my time on earth was shortening. I ended up drinking every night until I could barely stand, then when that was not enough I started smoking, then before you know it. Drugs." Sam whispered clearly not proud of her choices in life. But Gabriel could not help but feel guilty for it all.

"That's how I ended up like this. I got into bother with a certain rogue who sent his goons after me. I began to wear clothes that were suited to running and fighting around, bought a few new weapons and my style changed. I also could no longer be the gently kind girl I was before, I had to change and become..." She began as Gabriel smirked and interrupted her.

" Badass?" He chuckled followed by Sam chuckling as well.

" Yeah, I guess," Sam whispered finishing off her meal along with their drinks.

" It went in me running and fighting rogues for a year until I stumbled back onto your territory. I gain scars and tattoos along the way as well as a kick-ass new attitude." Sam smirked as Gabriel paid for the food and they left the diner.

" You know, I am actually really happy and glad you came back. Because now..." Gabriel said while turning her around and pushing her against the jeep while holding her hips in place. "I get to make up for everything and make sure you live the best you can." He whispered leaning his forehead onto hers.

" Gab..." Sam said closing her eyes and he laughed softly before kissing her forehead.

" I know, princess." He whispered and opened the door so that Sam can slip into the car, he closed the door behind her and rushed around to the driver's side and jumped in.

" Hey, do you um... Do you wanna see your house?" Gabriel asked before he even started the car. Sam sighed and looked to her lap and thought over if she did want to go back and relived her old life.

"Fuck it, yeah why not." She spoke quickly as if she would change her mind at any moment. Gabriel nodded and quickly drove off towards her old house.

Badass Rejectedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें