Chapter 14: Attack

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Gabriel had carried Sam back the pack house and up to his bedroom to allow her to sleep while he took care of some pack business. The whole time he was unable to stop his mind wondering back to Sam sleeping in his bed. He quickly finished his business and walked back to his room. Gabriel quietly walked over to the bed were Sam lay sleeping softly, the pained look dispersed when Gabriel placed the pad of his forefinger onto the corner of her eye and slowly trailed it over her cheekbone and to the corner of her lip where he then traced her bottom lip causing it to put out slightly to his finger. Gabriel smirked with a soft chuckle and removed his shirt, trousers and shoes to leave him only in his boxers as he climbed into the bed with Sam. Pulling her small sleeping frame over to him, Sam moved so that her head was resting on his firm, warm chest and her hand over his well-toned torso.

" I am sorry, I never meant for you to go through this. If I had known then I would never have rejected you. I was stupid and naive." Gabriel whispered as he wrapped his arms tightly around her upper body, kissing the top of her head just under his chin.

"Then why?" She whispered to him startling him. Gabriel sighed not really knowing what to say. Gabriel was about to answer when alarms sounded ripping through the pack land.

" What the hell?" Sam yelled as Gabriel launched himself out of the bed and grabbed his clothes quickly pulling them on.

" The pack is being attacked. I need you to stay here." He spoke as he pulled on his black combat boots.

" What? No way in hell am I staying here while there is fighting going on out there!" Sam hissed to him jumping out the bed and glaring at Gabriel.

" No way, I am not letting you out there where you could get hurt or worse... No, it's not happening." Gabriel scowled to her and walked to the door as Sam rushed over to him.

" No, like hell I am! You are the alpha of this pack and I am your mate! Rejected or not!" Sam yelled at him as Gabriel sighed and turned around to face her with a stone flat face.

" I'm sorry Sam. But I can't let you go out there." Gabriel said and placed both his hands onto her shoulders and kissed her forehead. "Please forgive me for this." He whispered to Sam.

" For wh..." Sam began but was cut off when Gabriel pinched a spot on her shoulders, causing her to fall quickly into unconsciousness. Her knees buckled under her limp weight as Gabriel quickly reached forward and grabbed her waist to stop her falling. He reached further down and under her knees and scooped her limp body into his arms. He walked over and placed Sam down carefully onto the bed, he makes sure her head was placed gently down onto the pillow. He looked down at her peaceful looking face and gently moved a piece of he brown hair away from her face. Gabriel leaned forward and gave a lingering kiss on her forehead again before keeping his face inches away.

" I love you..." He whispered one last time, hoping he will get to see her face again as he turned and walked out the room, locking the door. Gabriel turned his back to the door and took in a deep breath with his eyes closed. His hands clenched into fists at his side and his back straightens, his jaw clenched as he focused on connecting with his beta.

' John, what's happening?' Gabriel asked stepping forward and towards the stairs leading down.

'Rogues are charging at the pack house. I have implemented code blue.' John answered to Gabriel who was now bounding down the flights of stairs. A code blue was the plan which he and many other of his higher ranking pack members had come up with in the event of a surprise attack upon the pack. It entailed getting all the none fighters and children into the pack house, while the warriors would create two lines of defence. One would be a mile from the pack house, this would be the strongest of the warriors and the Alpha and Third in Command. The second would be around the outside of the pack house this included the other warriors along with a few of the strongest and the Beta. Their job was if anything happened to the first line, they would guard and fight to protect those inside the house or kill any wolves that were lucky enough to slip past the front line.

'Very well, I will be there in two minutes. Is everyone in position?' Gabriel asked as he burst out the front door and jogged onto the front lawn towards the first line. Before he reached the forest, Gabriel shifted quickly into his wolf and immediately took off into a slow run.

'Yes, everyone is ready now.' John informed him as Gabriel slowed to a stop next to his third in command. Gabriel's large black wolf towered over every other wolf standing ready to fight.

' They are here.' A tracker spoke to Gabriel who lifted his head higher as a rangy brown wolf walked over along with a few other behind her. Gabriel looked to his third in command and nodded gently before running behind a tree and shifting back into his human form. He reached under the trunk and pulled out a pair of basketball shorts, slipping them on he walked out tensing his muscles to show the intruders his power and strength.

" Shift!" Gabriel growled to the she-wolf, who was clearly the leader of the rogues. The she-wolf growled but shifted anyway and stood there completely naked with a proud smirk on her face.

"What is your business in attacking my pack?" Gabriel asked in a powerful voice as the she-wolf laughed a cackle.

"Well, my sources tell me that a certain she-wolf is taking refuge in your lands." The wolf began as Gabriel could feel, through the pack link, that his men were ready and itching to fight.

" And why would be after this... She-wolf? Even if she has taken refuge here, she would be under the pack protection. And we protect our own." Gabriel spoke in a low threatening voice to the brown-haired woman.

" Well you see, that is where we have a problem. That she-wolf killed five of my men and destroyed several of my supplies and merchandise." The woman hissed in anger. "I will make sure she pays dearly."

" You will never touch her!" Gabriel snarled immediately at the woman who in return just laughed loudly.

" Why are you so protective over that piece of shit?" The woman laughed but then stop when she saw the look on Gabriel's face.

" Ahh, now I see why... She's your mate." She smirked as she watched Gabriel closely as he growled at her. "Then this is perfect." She cackles once again.

" If I get rid of you, then the pain she will fell will be better than death!" The woman yelled and ran at Gabriel shifting in the process, Gabriel shifted and braced himself as the she-wolf tackled him. They rolled several meters before Gabriel threw the she-wolf into a tree. He gazed quickly around him to see his warriors had begun attacking the rogues. He focused his gaze onto the she-wolf as she launched herself at him again. But Gabriel easily stepped aside dodging the snap of her jaws.

Meanwhile, back in the pack house. Sam's eyes fluttered open gently with a small smile but it dropped when she remembered everything. She jumped up from her bed and rushed to the door, realising that it was a lock when she could not open it. Sam pounded her fists against the door.

" God damn it to hell! You are so fucking dead Gabriel! As soon as I get my fucking grip on you I'm gonna break every bone in that God damn body of yours, you piece of shit!" Sam yelled in blind rage as she continued to pound on the door. Sam grunted as she stepped back and analysed the door in front of her closely. Sam readied herself before she ran at the door effectively breaking it down and releasing her from the room. She did not wait any longer before she took off following the faint scent of Gabriel.

" Your so dead, Gabriel." She hissed and she ran towards him with purpose.

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