Chapter 6: Changed Woman

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Sam smiled as a warmth spread through her body gently accompanied by soft, pleasant sparks. Sam moved to pull the pillow she was hugging closer to her face but stopped when she realised a few things:

One, pillows are not this warm.
Two, pillows are not hard.
And three, pillows do not breathe!

"What the hell!" Sam yelled as she flung her eyes open to see the one and only Gabriel. She pushed against his solid naked chest and threw him off the bed. She rolled the opposite way and landed on her feet.

"What the!" Gabriel yelled as he awoke with a startle; he jumped to his feet and looked around as if something was happening. Sam glared at him with a growl ripping in her throat.

" You mother fucker!" She yelled at him as Gabriel loosened his tensed muscles seeing there was no danger apart from the raging she-wolf in front of him.

" Do not speak to me that," Gabriel warned her as he stepped forward, annoyed at Sam's tone.

" I will talk to you how I damn well want to! No fucked up in the head, Alpha, who rejected his mate, will tell me what to do!" She yelled at him as a growl ripped from Gabriel's throat.

" You will hold your tongue!" Gabriel growled, using his Alpha tone on Sam to force her into submission, but Sam was not in his pack. She is a rogue, which means that even though the words may still hold authority, she does not feel compelled to obey them.

" Don't you fucking dare! Never use that fucking tone on me!" Sam growled to him in a low dangerous tone while pointing her finger toward him. As if she was telling off a young child. They both walked around the bed to stand no less than a foot away from each other. 

"You were once a member of this pack. Therefore you are still owned by this pack." Gabriel hissed at her as he looked down with a strong, intimidating glare. His jaw clenched at either side of his face as he tried to hold back his anger. "You will obey me." Sam just burst into laughter at his words.

"I was once a member of the pack," Sam exaggerated. "And no one, and I mean no one, owns me."

"Once a member, always a member." Gabriel fired back.

"You have to be fucking with me?" Sam said through her laughter. She calmed down and looked at him with a crooked smirk, "Why would I obey or respect an Alpha like you?" Sam asked as she could see his rage fill his eyes. She decided to push further and see how far she could piss him off. "I have more respect for that bitch yesterday." 

Just then, Gabriel reached forward and grabbed her upper arm, tugging her forward to him as if he was about to scold her. Then all hell broke loose; Sam moved first by grabbing Gabriel's wrist and twisting it, causing him to let go of her arm. Gabriel's knees instantly buckled, following the direction of his wrist so that it would not break. She held it tightly twisted for a moment before using her free hand to send a heavy punch into Gabriel's chest, pushing him back with a stumble. 

" I ain't the same weak girl I was when you rejected me, Gabriel! I've changed! I sure as hell can  beat your ass any day!" Sam yelled as she made a move toward him. Gabriel swung his fist at her face, but Sam ducked under it and smashed her fist into his stomach, taking his breath away. Gabriel growled, grabbed her wrist, twisted it behind her back, and pushed her up against a wall. 

" Trust me, you will lose," Gabriel growled lowly in her ear, sending shivers rippling down her body. She was brought back from her momentary distraction by Gabriel as he pushed her stomach into the wall harder.

"I only said I would beat your ass; I never said anything about winning!" She hissed as she headbutted him and stomped on his foot. He let go of her wrist as she twisted around with a roundhouse kick aiming straight at his face, but Gabriel ducked and swiped her remaining leg from underneath her. Sam's back hit the ground with a deep grunt just as Gabriel moved to straddle her, pinning her hands above her head. At the same time, his legs held hers to the ground. He stared into her eyes as only one word forced itself into her mind.

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