Chapter 26: Forgiveness Part 1

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" SAM!" Gabriel yelled as he rushed over to her collapsed body and sank to his knees. He instantly picked her up and held her as close as he could.

" Sam? Sam? Please, Sam. Open your eyes, Princess." He begged her as he caressed her cheek trying to get her to open her eyes.

" Sam." He called with urgency as Sam slowly peeled her eyes open tiredly and smiled when she saw Gabriel.

" Gab. Hi." She muttered like a soft whisper causing Gabriel to chuckled gently through his shedding tears.

" Hi." Gabriel spoke back to her and kissed her forehead as the pack doctors arrived. Greg rushed to her side as well and looked to her as well.

" Alpha, we have to get her back so we can help her. We cannot do anything here." Greg told him quickly and Gabriel nodded and stood up with Sam limp in his arms. They all rushed towards the house and to the infirmary wing.

" Alpha, I'm sorry but you have to stay here." Greg told him as Gabriel placed Sam onto a gurney and she was whisked away.

" Please, I have to be with her." Gabriel begged Greg as he shook his head and held onto his Alpha's shoulders.

" The best thing you can do for her right now, is stay here. Let us do our jobs and we will tell you everything when we are done." Greg said before looking behind him and seeing John. They both nodded to each other and Greg turned to run off towards the room they had Sam, while John walked over to his best friend and Alpha.

" Gab?" John asked placing a hand onto his shoulder. It took only a second before Gabriel turned around and embraced John tightly and began to cry softly into his shoulder. John just held his friend closely and never said a word as the hours ticked slowly by. Gabriel had calmed down some what and both men were now sitting on the hard, uncomfortable plastic chairs that lined the wall several rooms down from the room where Sam was. The only noise that echoed the hall was the constant ticking with the cloak that hung on the bare cream coloured wall. The gnawing silences with the ticking was broken when the door from Sam's room opened and out walked Greg.

" Greg? How is she?" Gabriel spoke as he stood up and rushed over to him, followed by John. Greg looked down with a sigh.

" We managed to stop the bleeding and stitched her up." Greg said as Gabriel's heart sank slightly.

" But the injuries she has sustained are too serious." Greg said trailing off with a sigh before looking directly into Gabriel's watering eyes. "She's dieing."

"What?" Gabriel asked as he heard those two worlds that caused his whole world the collapse. Gabriel looked towards the door behind Greg as John step forward a bit.

"There is no way to help her?" John asked with a desperate voice and a pleading look.

" We tried everything, there is nothing we can do. She is a awake so I suggest you go and say your goodbyes while you can." Greg said before walking past Gabriel and placed a comforting hand onto his shoulder before continuing away. John walked past Gabriel and over to her door.

" I will be only a minute." John said to Gabriel as he stood there and watched his beta and best friend walk into Sam's room. Gabriel was unable to comprehend that fact that his time left with Sam was once again, cut down to a mere few hours; if lucky. He was unable to know what he was feeling right now apart from a numb feeling.

" Gab? She's asking for you." John said as he walked out and over to his Alpha. Gabriel sucked in a breath and began towards her room. He stopped at the open door as he could hear the machines both saying she was alive and keeping her alive. But he kept his eyes trained to the ground, not daring to look up.

" Gab." She soft yet cracked voice drifted to his ears. This pulled his blue eyes up to look at her laying in the bed. She looked so pale and frail as her brown eyes were dull and seeping their life. Her brown hair was pulled into a bun at the top of her head which also held no life. She looked so weak as she gave him a soft smile. Gabriel's eyes watered as the tear were ready to fall.

" Sam." Gabriel whispered and walked over to her, taking her hand into his own. His thumb traced her knuckles as he sat down on the edge of her bed.

" Why did you do that? Why did you fight that leech?" Gabriel whispered painfully to her. Sam smiled and moved her other hand to cover his hand that held her hand.

" Because I don't have long to live, while the pack have. They have families and friends. Something I never really had until I arrived back here." Sam muttered weakly to him. Sam moved to lift his chin up to face her. "I would do it a hundred times over, if it meant that you and the pack were safe."

" I can't lose you." Gabriel whispered as Sam shook her head.

" I'm sorry, Gabriel." Sam whispered to him as the fell into a comfortable silence. Gabriel allowed his tears to flow from his eyes and drip down onto their hands and the bed.

" Gab, I need you too keep my end of the deal I had with Nicolas. I need you to make sure he is buried properly." Sam told him squeezing his hands.

" I can't. Not when he is the reason for your premature death." Gabriel told her as Sam sighed and shook her head.

" Gabriel, I gave him my word it would be done. Do not make me break that." Sam begged him as Gabriel nodded.

" Fine." Was all he said.

" I have one last request as well." Sam said closing her eyes and then opening them to see Gabriel waiting for her to speak.

" I don't want to die here, in a hospital room." Sam begged his and Gabriel nodded before thinking on where they could go.

" I know just the place." Gabriel whispered as he began to help her removed the cables and tubes that were connected to her. Once they were all disconnected, Gabriel reached down and picked same up into a bridal hold and held her close to his chest. Sam snuggled into his warmth as Gabriel walked out her room and down the dimly lit hall.

" Where are we going?" Sam asked in a sigh.

" It's a surprise." Gabriel whispered to her gently.

One last surprise.

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