Chapter 15: Next Time

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Sam ran as fast as she could towards Gabriel's scent, her boots hit the forest floor resonating loudly and as fast as her heart pounded the blood through her vain; tinted with adrenalin. The forest whipped past her in a stream of blur and the wind swooshed pasted her ears, causing the pumping of her blood to echo around her head. Her brown hair wiped around the back of her head in different directions as she neared the sounds of fighting in the near distance.

Sam edged closer and closer to the clearing where she could now make out two main figures as the silence fell over the whole forest. Sam let out a growl where she grew closer to see the Rogue she wolf she had been running from, holding a shot gun to Gabriel's head. They were now both in human form and Sam could see the extend of Gabriel's injuries, he was battered and bruised, but what startled Sam the most. Was Gabriel was kneeling before the smirking she wolf, with a content smile. His eyes were closed as if he had accepted the fact he was about to leave his by-standing pack alpha-less.

Without slowing down, Sam ran full force at the she wolf and jumped a mere meter away from her, into the air. Sam brought her knee up and allowed it to collide full force with the she wolf's face, sending the woman flying through the air and the shotgun dropped to the ground somewhere to the side. Sam landed with ease on the forest floor with a gently skid, stopping in a crouching position. Sam whipped her head and eyes up to see the she wolf with her smirk no longer on her lip, as she sat up in pain. Sam growled again and charged at her, the she wolf jumped to her feet, wiping her bloody nose as she braced herself for Sam's tackle. The she wolf's back hit the tree as Sam pressed her forearm against her throat and the other hand gripped her collar.

" I should have fucking known it was you, Elisa." Sam snarled to she wolf pressing her harder into the tree. "You do not know how fuckin' long I have waited for you to come out and face me yourself. But, after a while, I thought you were just to cowardly to face me." Sam smiled as her moved the hand that was holding Elisa's collar and ran her forefinger down her cheek as Elisa growled at her insult.

" Now, now. You should not have been so rude to your hosting pack like you have." Sam taunted in a voice like she was talking to a child. Elisa began to struggle to get out from her tight grip. "I guess, I will just have to teach you some manners." Sam whispered before smirking and punching Elisa in the gut and releasing her hold, stepping back to allow Elisa to bend over clutching her stomach in pain.

" Come on, bitch. Fight back!" Sam growled to Elisa who looked up and lunged at her full force. Sam smiled and took Elisa's tackle easily, flinging her up and over her shoulder. Sam turned around to face her and waited for her to stand up. Rule number one in combat; never attack your opponent if they are on the ground.

" That's it!" Sam grin from ear to ear as Elisa ran at her again swinging a punch to her face, Sam easily saw it coming and leaned back too allow Elisa to spin around after having nothing to release her put up energy on. Sam brought her foot up and slammed it into her back, causing her to stagger forward. Second rule of combat; tire out your opponent.

" And you're meant to be the leader of the rogues? And how the hell did you get Gab, who is an Alpha might I add, in that state?" Sam said in disbelief as she pointed to Gabriel who had his Third in Command's holding him up on his feet; barely conscious. They watched intensively on the fight in front of them.

" Either he is not as good as I thought..." Sam began and looked to Elisa who was breathing heavily with a strong glare. "Or you are just simply a weak ass mother fucker who hides her puny ass behind a wall of big ass mother fuckers."

" Shut the fuck up! I will kill you!" Elisa growled and charged at her again. Rule number Three of combat; cause your opponent to be blinded by rage, that way they are easier and quicker to take down. Sam laughed as she caught Elisa's second punch and twisted her arm painfully behind her back, causing her to face away from Sam with her arm pin in a very odd angle. Elisa hissed in pain as Sam pushed her arm further up her back slowly, making sure to cause as much pain as she can.

" Oh sweetheart, you underestimate me." Sam whispered lowly in her ear and pushed up roughly on her arm. A sickening cracking and pop sounded through the heavy air before Elisa let out a belt of a scream, her limp broken and dislocated arm flopped down by her side. Tears streamed down her face from the immense pain which she was felling, collapsing to her knees. Sam gripped Elisa's brown shaggy hair tightly and pulled back.

" And never, ever. Do I want to see you pointing a god mother fucking shot gun, at my mates head." Sam hissed in her ear before being over come by a coughing fit. Sam let go of Elisa's hair and staggered back covering her mouth as her painful coughs ripped at her chest, throat and lungs. One hand held her painful chest as the other covered her mouth, feeling liquid now on her hand. Sam turned her head and spat out a mouthful of blood onto the forest floor.

" Fuck, I over did it." Sam whispered as she looked at Elisa who was now standing backing away from everyone along with her followers.

" I will be back, and you will be sorry." Elisa snarled at Sam, who wiped the blood from her mouth, only succeeding to spread it more.

" Yeah? Well then. Until next time, bitch-face." Sam smirked to her insanely before Elisa turned and ran away with her group. Sam's back was facing the pack as she stood at the front watching the rogues run off the territory.

" Luna Sam? A-are you alright?" A voice echoed behind her coated heavily with worry. Gabriel had now passed out and was laying on the ground while John slowly began to walk towards Sam.

" Luna?" The same voice asked again after not getting an answer the first time. Sam never answered, but instead her knees gave way and she tumbled to the ground. The owner of the voice saw this and rushed over to her, catching her in mid fall to soften the landing. He looked down at Sam's pale and blooded face with worry in his eyes. Her eyes were shut and her breathing was staggered as she lay limp in his arms.

" Someone get John. We need to get them both to the pack doctor, Now!" The third in command yelled out as the others nodded and began to pick up the Alpha, while he picked up Sam and they all took off running towards the pack doctor.

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