Chapter 22: Your Sins

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Sam walked out of the cabin and around past the fire pit. It was early morning and the sun had only just made its appearance and golden rays managed to filter through the thick bunches of leaves above her. You could see the lines of gold floating through the air and down to the ground, lighting up the dust floating through the air softly. Sam continued to walk just past the tree lining and to a small stream of running water. She walked to the edge and crouched down to reached forward, scooping up some water she took a drink into her mouth before quickly washing her hands and dabbing her face.

" Sam?" Gabriel's voice called behind her as he walked over to where she was. Sam turned her head and stood up straight with a soft smile. The golden morning light shone gently down onto her hair tinting the brown strand gold.

" Good morning, Gabriel." She whispered to him as he walked up and placed his hands onto her hips and pulled her close to him. Sam hands placed themselves onto his chest as she leaned back slightly too look up at him. He took his right hand off her hip and placed it onto her cheek with a large smile on his lips.

" Good morning, Princess. How are you feeling?" He asked gently as he kissed her forehead.

" Much better, and sorry about yesterday. I guess I overdone myself." Sam whispered and she rested her the side of her head onto his chest, his right hand moved from her cheek and around to cup the back of her head and his left snaked around her waist holding her in a tight embrace against him.

" It's alright. You should not be apologising for something like that." Gabriel as he rested his cheek on the top of her head. They stood there for a while, enjoying each others embrace from the moment in the middle of no where. The birds singing their morning tunes and the white noise of the water chasing itself down a set course.

" It's moments like these, that I never want to end. The peace and serenity of nature calms me and makes me realise how beautiful the world truly is." Sam muttered softly as she buried herself deeper into Gabriel's warm embrace.

" I know, Baby. I know." Gabriel whispered kissing the top of her head again before placing his cheek back again. They stood with each other for a while longer before Gabriel moved and quickly picked up Sam into his arms. She let out a small yelp in surprise at his quick unsuspecting movement and wrapped her arms around his neck.

" Hungry? I'm sure Grandfather has began cooking." Gabriel spoke when Sam's face turned sour.

" Really?" She asked as Gabriel nodded.

" Why whats wrong with that?" He asked her slightly confused at Sam's reaction.

" Clearly you have never tried his cooking before." Sam grunted as Gabriel walked back to the fire pit where Grandfather had began a small fire with a pot above it.

" Ah, just int time for breakfast." Grandfather spoke as he pour a greyish liquid into two bowls as Gabriel placed Sam down on a log before turning around and taking the bowls from Grandfather.

" Thank you." He spoke with a nod and handed one to a very unsettled Sam. Wooden spoons sat at the side of the dish in the thick greyish. Gabriel sat down next to Sam and picked up the wooden spoon, lifting some of the thick grey food to his mouth. The food tasted funny and not pleasant but still not unpleasant.

" What is this?" Gabriel asked swallowing the food. The meat in it was tender meat and easy to eat.

" Oh, it is Raccoon stew." Grandfather said while eating away at his bowl. He saw Sam looking and playing with her food. "Sam are you not eating?"

" No, I am not hungry." She whispered as Grandfather nodded with a sigh. Once Gabriel had reluctantly finished his meal, which tasted worse with each mouthful. He took the bowls and was about to go to wash them when Sam stood up and took them from his hands. Gabriel was about to protest but she had turned and walked off already.

"Alpha Gabriel. Lets us talk. Come." Grandfather spoke turning around and walking away from the stream where Sam was washing the plates. Gabriel followed behind the old man as they walked over a small worn out path through the trees.

" Sam has changed since she meet you again. She is less vulgar and more sweet." Grandfather spoke with his hands behind his back.

"You have caused her unbelievable amounts of pain and a lot of struggle the past year and a half. I have seen her at her lowest points and let me tell you. Several times she nearly tried to kill herself, one time she took a drug and overdosed herself. What you are doing now does not make up for the fact that you are the one that cause this to happen. You are the one who caused the pain of your chosen one, the one you are meant to protect, care for and love." He spoke quickly as Gabriel sighed and looked to the ground.

" I know very well it does not. I know that there is no way I can make up for what I have done." Gabriel said with a sad look now spread across his face at the new news of her failed suicide attempts. "But I most defiantly will try to make sure she enjoys her life."

" I am glad to hear that, Alpha Gabriel." He spoke back to him, but stopped and turned to look at Gabriel straight in the eye.

" But listen closely. I am not doing what she is asking for you. I am doing it for her and the Red River pack." Grandfather spoke before walking away leaving Gabriel standing alone. "And when Sam has past over to our forefather's. I do not want too see you here again." And with that he left Gabriel to ponder over his thoughts. After around five minutes of standing in silence, ponder over the thoughts of Sam and how she had not told him of her past suicide attempts. When he made a mental note to asked her about it, he turned around and ventured slowly back to the cabin where Sam was. She was standing in the middle of the clearing, tying her hair up in a pony tail where she saw Gabriel. A smile erupted on her lips as she walked over to him.

" It's time to head home." She smiled as Gabriel smirked and his eyes lit up brightly.

" What?" Sam asked noticing his smirk and began to feel uncomfortable under his gaze. Gabriel stepped over to her and wrapped her up into a tight embrace.

" You said home." He whispered softly causing Sam to chuckle and embrace him back.

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