Chapter 3: I Am Sorry

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" Sam, it's been three days, and you have not eaten anything. Please, you have to eat something." John spoke as he stood next to Sam, holding a food tray. Granted, it was nothing special but some tomato soup, but even then, it was most likely more than she was used to having.

" I'm not hungry." That was all Sam said to John before he sighed and sat down. He crossed his legs as the cold, damp flooring nipped at him.

"Look, Sam. I want to apologise for the way I treated you in school. I know that it must have been hard..." Josh spoke.

" Hard?" Sam interrupts John with a deep chuckle. "You have no fucking idea what it feels like to have no one to depend on or talk to."

" You have your wolf, do you not?" Josh said, trying to prove a point, but Sam just shook her head at him. "You don't have your wolf?"

" She disappeared the moment he rejected me. Her heart was broken because the man supposed to love and protect us didn't want us." Sam sighed as John continued to stay silent. "I know how it all goes, rejection. I have six months and twenty-eight days until she dies completely. And then, a week later, I die." Sam spoke as she looked out to John, who sat in surprise. Sam chuckled as it was clear that John did not know what happens when a mate is rejected.

"You see, when a mate is rejected, it takes a full two years of excruciating pain and sorrow for the rejected's wolf to die, then the human side goes through even more pain of basically having half of their already broken soul die. It does not take too long before the human side gives up and dies. All while the person that does the rejection does not feel a thing." Sam informed him as he scrunched his forehead in both anger and surprise.

" why would he do such a thing," John growled, clearly pissed off Sam's mate for hurting her in such a way.

" I guess even the moon goddess has it out for me. My life has been nothing but pain since my parents died." Sam whispered as she rested her head against the cold cell wall and closed her eyes. Silence fell over her and John quickly. It was not an awkward silence, nor a comfortable one.

" Look, Sam. I will talk to alpha Gabriel to see if we can get you out of this cell. But first, I want you to eat some of this." John bargained with her, but Sam only met him with silence.

" Fine," Sam whispered as she shuffled painfully to take the warm bowl of soup. She used the spoon to take some into her mouth and relished the taste.

" I will also see about getting you some pain killers," John spoke as he stood up and walked away from Sam, who continued eating. John walked away from her cell and out towards the pack house. Where he knew Gabriel would be completing the stacks of paperwork in his large office. With three knocks, John waited outside the large wooden door until a voice called him in. He walked in to see Gabriel sitting at his desk, only instead of a pen in his hand; it was a bottle of scotch whisky.

" Gab?" John asked as he walked over to Gabriel. Gabriel lifted his head to see his best friend looking at him with concern.

" I think we should let Sam out of the cells. She is suffering down there, barely eating anything!" John said, sinking into a chair at the front of Gabriel's desk. "Sam is not a threat to the pack, or  a rescue squad would be at our borders by now." 

"She is a rogue, John," Gabriel spoke gently as if the words were stuck in his mouth.

" Gabriel, she is in a lot of pain. Her mate rejected her, and she says she has only six months and twenty-eight days left until her wolf dies." John began as Gabriel sunk his head deeper into his hands. "I think we should let her spend the rest of the days she has left here in comfort. That way, we can be around to help her." John said, nodding. Gabriel finally broke hearing John's words. Tears began to fall down his cheeks, catching John entirely by surprise.

"Gab? Are you alright?" He asked, unsure how to react to seeing his best friend like this for the first time.

" This is all my fault." Gabriel cried as he placed his forehead on the edge of his desk.

" Wait, are you saying what she said back at the borders is true? That you are the mate that rejected her?" John said, stunned at this sudden realisation. He could not believe that his best friend and alpha had not once said anything about this to him.

"Yes." Gabriel cried as John sighed before standing up to walk around to his friend. John carefully embraced him in a hug as Gabriel broke down for the first time in a long time.

" I've made such a big mistake, John. Even though I rejected her, I never really forgave myself for what I did." Gabriel explained through sobs. "And now that she is here, I feel everything from that day again. She was in so much pain. And it's all my fault." Gabriel said through shallow breaths as he continued to cry.

" You will never be able to make her forgive you," John said, pulling away from him. "But you can start trying to put right your wrong by getting her out of that cold cell and into a warm room. And some pain killers too."

" You're right." Gabriel said, wiping his face and straightening his back, "but all the rooms in the house are full. I don't even have any on my floor."

" Then, I guess you should give her your room. That is unless you are alright with her sleeping with another wolf." John shrugged as Gabriel growled at the thought.

" I may have rejected her, but I will not let her sleep with anyone while under this roof." He growled, causing John to laugh at his bipolar personality.

" I will go and take her from the cells. I am sure the pack doctor will give her some medicine to help to heal, and with the pain, that should give you time to think of a sleeping situation for her." John told him as he left the office and walked back to the cells to get Sam. John thought back to how they treated Sam when she was younger,  but looking at her now. John was sure Sam was no longer that quiet girl who would take the abuse everyone dished out. Now she would undoubtedly bite back at the abusive hand.

She was now a badass with red lips dressed in leather.

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