Chapter 4: Respect

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" Sam, I managed to get you out of here. But under the condition that you stay within the pack house. Three warriors will be tailing you if you want to go out." John spoke as he walked into her cell. Sam looked at him through tired eyes and nodded gently to him. At this point, she was just happy to get out of this damp cell. John smiled softly and walked over to her shackles; he unlocked them quickly. Sam sighed as they fell from her skin and looked up to John with dull yet feisty eyes.

" Thanks." That was all Sam said as she weakly pushed herself to her feet. John saw her struggle and gripped her right arm to help her to her feet.

" You alright?" John asked, concerned for the woman who just smiled.

" I have bad days, but they seem to become more frequent," Sam spoke quietly as she moved forward, reaching for the wall to steady herself. John watched as she struggled even to move and wondered how she coped with her 'bad days' on her own in the wild.

"Where are we going?" Sam asked John, sounding out of breath. John then remembered as he pulled out a shirt from his back pocket.

" We are going to the pack doctor first to get you some painkillers." He told her and pushed the shirt toward her. "Here, put this on." He spoke, and Sam took the white shirt and pulled it over her head. The shirt was almost three sizes too big, falling below her hips. She then caught a scent of lime and mint, instantly knowing to whom this shirt belonged.

" Come on," John said, walking over to her, stopping at her side. "You are tired as it is," John spoke before quickly pulling Sam into his arm, holding her against his chest in the bridal hold. John carried her like she weighed nothing more than a feather as they walked out of the cells and into the summer air.

" Where have you been?" John asked curiously to her. Sam looked up as he continued to train his eyes forward in their direction. She dropped her head to look at her hands while giving off a gentle sigh.

" Here and there, just getting along." Sam shrugged as she thought back to the past year and a half.

" How did you get that scar?" He asked with a serious tone as Sam smirked.

" I have many scars, John. All from fighting with rogues that don't know how the fuck to give in." Sam chuckled as John cracked a faint smile as they walked into the pack house.

" A small part of me has missed this place," Sam spoke as she looked around the house, not looking at the people staring with confused and threatening glares at her. As they rounded the corner into a long hall, a group of three girls stood gossiping away with each other. They then quickly noticed John holding Sam as they glared at her.

" Who's the slut?" One asked as she giggled with her friends. Before John could get a word in to tell them to shut up and that this was a guest of the Alpha, Sam beat him to it.

" Slut? Look who's talking, sweet cheeks." Sam fired back as she wriggled her way out of John's arms to stand on her feet shakily. "At least I can keep my legs shut for more than ten minutes," Sam said while crushing her face in disgust.

" Says the rogue clinging to our Beta?" She spat with an evil glare. Sam moved to face the blond bimbo; she wore a shirt three or four sizes too small. It barely covered her badly tanned fake breasts at the neck. The skimpiest pair of shorts barely left anything to the imagination.

" Please, everyone knows that you are the pack slut. They all know you can't keep them skinny orange twigs you call legs shut," Sam smirked as the slut seemed to grow in anger every second.

" How dare you speak to me like that! One day, I will be the Luna of this pack. So you should show me some respect, you mongrel!" She spat and snarled simultaneously, while Sam just burst into fits of laughter while holding her stomach.

" Please, the only respect I have for you went so far up your ass it disappeared when I saw your slutty ass face!" Sam spoke as the slut's face grew red with anger. "I cannot believe Gabriel's standards have fallen this fucking low!" Sam laughed as a smile seemed to crack onto John's lips as she watched the scene unfold with his arms crossed over his chest.

" You bitch!" The slut yelled, and Sam looked at her with a simple smirk.

" Yup, that's me," Sam said and winked at her; this sent the girl over the edge, and she ran at Same ready to kill. John loosened his arms and prepared to intervene, but as the girl neared Sam, she only smiled. She never moved as she watched the girl run at her, with a giant smile on her face. John could she was enjoying this a lot. The old Sam hated conflict of any kind, but he liked this new Sam better. Sam bent her knees halfway down and sent a punch flying to the girl's stomach, knocking her to the floor. Sam quickly straddled the blond girl and gripped her neck, looking down with a smile less than an inch from her face.

" I don't bitch fight. I fight for real. You are so fucking lucky that I'm in pain! Cause if I wasn't," Sam growled and leaned down to her ear as she struggled to breathe. "I would spill your blood as I have done with many other wolves who tried to hurt me, Do not forget that I am a rogue. Pack rules don't apply to me anymore" Sam smirked as she pulled her hand from the girl's throat and stood up to her feet. Sam stretched her sore muscles before chuckling and walking away.

" I can't believe you just stood there watching, Beta John! You let a rogue manhandle your future, Luna!" The blond growled to him with a disapproving look.

" Oh, Barbie," John spoke with fake concern as he stepped closer to her. "As soon as she arrived back on our territory, you lost that title," John smirked and walked away from her.

" I'm going to tell Gab!" Barbie yelled as she stormed away towards the Alpha's office. John chuckled at the thought of Gab ripping her a new one. She did not seem to understand that even before Sam returned, she had no chance at the Luna title. She was undeserving of such a title when she sleeps around with every male in the pack.

" You still know your way around?" John said as he caught up with Sam.

" Yeah, it's hard to forget," Sam spoke as she slowed to a stop and sighed.

" What you did back there..." John started as Sam looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

" If you expect me to apologise, you can shove that idea so far up your fucking ass," Sam told him as John smirked.

" You have changed a lot, haven't you," John spoke to her as Sam nodded in return.

" You haven't seen the full new me yet!" Sam called loudly with a full-on smile as John returned it.

" Can't wait!" John smirked as he then followed Sam towards the pack Doctor.

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