Chapter 2: Your Fault

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Sam's eye's felt like sandpaper as she slowly opened them. Sam blinked several times to regain her focus as the dark room looked blurry. Her legs felt heavy as she tried to move, only to find that they were restricted by something wrapped around her ankles. She jolted upright to look at them only to find iron clamps clasped her wrists to a chain. Looking down at her attire, she noticed she was not wearing a shirt but had a large bandage wrapped around her wounded shoulder and breasts, leaving her stomach open to the cold, damp air.

" Hello!" She yelled out, feeling her voice box rub against itself like grit. She coughed a little to try and stop the itching pain. Sam looked over to the large metal door as the footsteps stopped outside. The door opened reluctantly before two enormous, stocky men entered the room. Sam watched as their dark shadow-like figures walked over to the foot of her bed and stood still watching her.

" Are you guys gonna talk? Or you going to be standing there perving me up all night?" Sam huffed, getting irritated by their unmoving stare.

" It's hard to believe that is her." The one and only John spoke to his companion, who seemingly nodded in agreement. It was hard to see who they were as the room was dark, and Sam's vision was not fully back yet.

" So, you gonna tell me who your almighty friend is, John?" Sam asked, bending her knee slightly as she sat up, tugging against her restraints. Growls ripped through the air at how she addressed the Beta of the pack, but Sam just laughed.

"What happened to you, Sam?" John asked with curiosity in his voice. He was curious how the lonely little wallflower was now this badass, rude woman.

" I grew up. Life is not a kind and gentle one with easy living when you're a rogue." Sam spat at him with a growl in his direction.

" We can see that from your scars." John chuckled at her new attitude, which he felt suited her much better.

" Too damn right! Lucky bastards got the drop on me. But they won't be able to do it again." Sam shrugged her shoulders only to hiss in pain from her wounded shoulder. The truth was, they were getting 'the drop' on her more and more as time passed.

" You have been out for two days; you should have healed by now?" John asked, confused as to why her wounded had not healed a day after she got it. She did not answer him as she turned her head to look at the wall.

" Yeah." That was all Sam whispered as the room fell into silence. Through the ear-biting silence, the door opened again; one of the two men left the room, leaving the other man still in the room.

" You've changed, Sam." The unknown figure spoke softly, walking forward to her. Sam's back stiffened, and all her muscles tensed at his voice.

" My wolf wants to speak with yours." The voice gently spoke as he stopped and knelt at her level. The moon's light shone over his features from the small square window at the top of the room.

" Gabriel," Sam growled as her nostrils flared in anger as he smirked. "No, he can't speak to her."

" Okay, let me rephrase that. My wolf  will speak with yours." Gabriel smirked at her as Sam shook her head and turned it away from him.

" He can't." She spoke again as her voice seemingly cracked slightly.

" Are you denying your Alpha?" He asked with a snarl, trying to intimidate her into submission.

" Ex-alpha, don't forget and no." She said, looking down to the ground. "I can't deny what I don't have."

" What do you mean 'don't have?'" Gabriel asked with a confused look plastered onto his face as he silently breathed in, smelling that mouth-water smell of strawberries and chocolate he had missed so much. But over that, there was a hint of salty tears, showing Sam was trying hard to keep them back.

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