Chapter 13

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A/N - Read the last two chaps so you all can understand what is happening. Sorry for being inactive, I am gonna give updates on my other two books as well today or till tmr morning [if I end up sleeping midway]


"You know you don't have to go by yourself. I can drop you,"

"It's okay, I can go by myself. You have already done a lot today,"

Mayank smiled at Abhishek who was leaning against his car.

"Mayank I did nothing except hanging out with you. So don't think you have been a trouble for me. Infact by spending time with you, I am also feeling a lot relaxed from my office work.

"I appreciate I could help you in relaxing as well but Abhishek you already have spent the whole day listening me whine over my breakup. You should go back home it's almost 11 pm, I will hail a cab for me." Mayank replied.

"Mayank let me take you back, it was me who took you out here. You don't even know where you are right now, let me take you back till the city atleast." Abhishek said.

"I know we are in the outskirts area, and you told me about your house stuff while we were enjoying sugarcane in the farm. So I do remember your house is quite opposite to where my hotel is. It's already late so I don't want to trouble you."

"It's not much late and besides I live in Mumbai so I know everything about this place but you are not. I just want to make sure you reach safely,"

"I will message you when I reach back hotel naa. It's already 11pm...if you will drop me at hotel then it will make you reach back home around 1 or something."

"And it's fine here in Mumbai. Don't worry we are not in Delhi, besides I will drop you in no time." Abhishek said dragging him to the car.

"N- wait you can't just pick me. Put me down," Mayank yelped as Abhishek was done with arguing and just pulled the guy into his shoulders.

Mayank slapped his ass continously and yelled to put him down but Abhishek was having none of that.

"Do you have a spanking kink or something?" Abhishek hissed when he finally put the lad down on the passenger seat.

"You know this can be counted as kidnapping," Mayank scowled putting on the seatbelt, ignoring his statement for some major reason.

"I am driving you to your hotel, I am basically being your unpaid would be kidnapping if I- actually yes...let me kidnap you," Abhishek smirked locking the car and turning on the ignition.

"What do you mean?" Mayank looked at him with confused eyes.

"I mean that I am kidnapping you Mr Markande," Abhishek grinned while driving to the city.

"Eh? Don't tell me you are a serial killer," Mayank snickered.

"Not a serial killer but yeah I might do a freelancing job of mafia," Abhishek shrugged.

"Lmao what? Freelancer as a mafia?" Mayank laughed.

"Yeah you know I might work as a detective sometimes under the India's most renowned mafia, the prince of the underworld who is feared by the whole country," Abhishek smirked.

"Yeah if it's true then I am marrying you tomorrow," Mayank continued laughing.

"Fancy being your husband Mayank," Abhishek snorted.

"Okay jokes aside please tell me where you are taking me?" Mayank asked.

"To my home, this way you won'tfeel guilty for making me late." Abhishek said.

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