Chapter 29

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A/N - Happy birthday 15epoxypentane


"Took you so much time to come here Shubu," Ishan grinned while laying on the white bed.

"Why did you shot yourself?" Shubman walked over the bed and sat on the chair beside it.

"To prove I would be getting out of r-"

"But shooting yourself?! What if something happened? Do you think that gun was a toy?"

"Relax Shub, I knew what was I doing. I just shot myself on stomach so nothing serious happened. And just think...there were so many guards so if I tried to shoot at you then they wouldn't had let me ofcourse...but nobody could have thought I will shoot myself so nobody could have stopped me and that's what happened. I got hurt, you got scares for me and here I am, out of the room. In the same way I will be out of this mansion too."

"You are an idiot Ishan," Shubman groaned. Ishan shrugged laying on his back.

"I would not let you get out from here before you are ready to listen to me Ishan."

"But I know how to get out from here." Ishan chirped looking at Shubman dead in his eyes.

"I have loads of security in here for a reaso-"

"Oh don't worry Shub, you will let go of me by yourself. I know how much you like me you faggot." Ishan snorted.


"Oh sorry sorry, Mr Gayman oh sorry again Mr Gillman" Ishan shrugged getting up.

"What are you trying to do?" Shubman asked Ishan who now stood at the corner of the bed.

"Showing you how much you are whipped for me. Oop-" Ishan giggled falling off from the bed but Shubman was quick to hold him.

"See, you didn't even thought for a second before helping me. You even are holding me back through my waist not at all touching my stomach. You care too much, you are a simp. But you know what Shub? I don't care for myself at all. I would never think twice before hurting myself and I would just continue to do it again and again till you let me go."

"You won't—"

"Yes I will and you wouldn't be able to  stop me. I already gave you a trailer didn't I?"

"You are really going to stoop so low? Do you really not care about your own self?" Shubman shook his head.

"Better than killing others Shubman, it's not like you haven't killed anyone before and still you are acting like a saint in front of me."

"I never said I am a saint Ish, but I am not that devil as you have portrayed me as well. And why do you even want to leave? Weren't you the one who wanted to stay? I gave you a lot of chances to leave but you didn't. So why now?"

"Because that was the plan all along! To get meet you and be with you. Why would I go and sleep on Yash's bed? So that your guards will misunderstand me as Yash and will bring me to you! Mr Hundia told me how you were warning him so I made this plan with. He loves me like my own father so he didn't allowed at first but then I persuaded him. Poor him were feeling guilty as hell but I told him I will be fine.

Even when I was kidnapped you didn't came so I had to try and run away and bingo you finally came to check on it. So I immediately latched onto your car. Then the last step, it was so difficult and I couldn't even do it. I just had to get to your home but no you never took me to your home. I had to act like I am trying to run away again but no you just increased the security and kept me there only. And when I acted like I was molested by your guard then you surrounded me with your trusted guards. So I had no other option than to make you trust me. You used to love how much innocent and clingy I was to you naa so see I acted like that only. You loved to ruin my innocence, molest me and treat me like a bitch right?"

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