Roommates :

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Today, Drac's moving into my house. It's only been a few days since we decided on that. We agreed that he would start packing this morning, and after I'm done working, I'll drive to his place so I can bring his belongings to mine.

I'm looking forward to this change. I get to have a roommate again, and I get to spend time with him. Not that it really matters... I mean.

Working has really made me impatient. I love work, but it really has to end now, man! I want to see Drac! Damn... He really got me to the point where I started thinking about seeing him.

This is just a silly phase. It'll be over soon... I hope.

A minute goes by. I watch the clock, patiently waiting for my shift to end. I had just finished my paperwork. All of my tasks are complete, possibly due to the adrenaline I had from being very thrilled of the idea of going home and Drac moving in.

Waiting is so tiring. Doing nothing for the next two hours seems exhausting. Well obviously. But... I am the best, most trusted, and most hardworking worker in this building. I finished my paperwork earlier than expected! Asking my boss to log out before my actual log-out time doesn't seem harmful, surely.

I knock on my boss's door and enter his office. "Hey, boss!" He glanced at me and continued writing on his documents. "Sit down, Evangeline. What is it that you need?" He pointed down at an empty chair.

"Just to confirm, I finished all my paperwork." I placed it gently on top of his desk. "And I would like to ask if...I could end my shift early, for once."

"Hm, good work. You've done pretty well these past few months. I even expect you to be done working before lunch time, actually. I will allow it. You may go home early. Have fun. But, just remember, I'm only allowing this since you're our best employee."

I nodded my head as a thank you and left his office. I'm free, and I'm going to live with Drac! HOLY SHIT!! Hah, I'm going to live with Drac.

I left the building and stood by the bus stop. This was going to be the best day ever! I just have to wait for the bus to arrive.

Finally, after a few, maybe ten, minutes, the bus came. I went inside and found a seat.

"Psst, Evangeline!" A whisper had called out my name. "Evangeline! Behind you." This is probably all inside my head. Maybe I'm being anxious.

I felt a touch on my shoulder. I immediately turned to see that it was my ex-boyfriend, Ethan—a total asshole. I would've never thought to see him at this time. My chest tightened from the sight of his ugly face.

The memories I had with him were all coming back to me. "Back off, Ethan," I hissed. He returned with a devilish smirk. "Do I really need to fight for our love? Because—"

"You mean your love? I never loved you, and I never will. There was no love at the beginning of our relationship."

"You love me; I know it," he demanded. "Try to convince me, bitch." I stood up from my seat and asked the driver to pull up. I requested, "Make sure the door closes before that man follows me. Thank you."

God, if only there was a way to get rid of him.

Thankfully, I dropped near the neighbourhood. All I have to do is get my car and drive to his house.

Drac ran up to me. "Alright! Let's live together!" I repeated, "Let's live together." He insisted on driving my car.

He opened the door for me as I entered. "Since when did you learn how to drive?" I asked while he started the engine. "I think when I was twelve years old. My dad bought me a car at ten years old." My jaw dropped to the earth's core. No way...

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