Part 18

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Upon noticing Lisa's tense expression, I had a suspicion that she may have overheard our conversation and she is the one who betrayed us. Without dwelling on it further, Taehyung and I exchanged a glance as I confronted her.

"What is it that you want to confess, Lisa?" I inquired.

"Unnie, I'm truly sorry. I don't know how it happened, but I deeply regret it," she replied, her head hanging low.

"Be clear, Lisa!" Taehyung demanded.

"Um... well, guys, I accidentally ate unnie's chicken that she had kept in the fridge... although I must admit, it was quite tasty," she responded with a mischievous grin, while Taehyung simply held his head in disbelief.

"Damn it!" Taehyung exclaimed, while I struggled to contain my anger.

"What. The. Hell. Lisa!" I yelled at her as I chased after her.

"God, I will never understand these girls," Taehyung sighed, shrugging his shoulders and walking away, while I continued to chase Lisa.

As we both ran, we suddenly noticed a worried Rose, causing us to come to a halt.

"Hey Rose, what's going on with you?" I asked her, with Lisa joining me and greeting her.

"oh h-hey guys...umm i think i should go, bye" she said as she hurried away from there.

Lisa pointed out that something was amiss with her, as I observed Rose's fading silhouette.

"Hmm, you're correct...I think-" I began, but Lisa cut me off.

"By the way, I apologize for the chicken incident, but no worries, I'll treat you today, okay?" She said, embracing me and attempting to kiss me.

"Lisa, what are you doing? I've already forgiven you, just don't forget about the treat," I responded, pushing her away.

"Oh, come on, unnie, I know you only let Taehyung oppa kiss you... but I'm your little sister, a peck on the cheek won't hurt," she pleaded as I let out a heavy sigh.

"Fine, just one," I relented as she pecked my cheek and skipped away happily and i smiled at her craziness. I also left the scene, keeping in mind the plan to meet Rose.


After kissing her, I walked away with a smile, feeling the depth of my love for her. Lost in my thoughts, I overheard Rose speaking on the phone. Her words caught my attention, making me pause in my tracks.

"I know what you mean, but please don't hurt her. I'll do whatever you say, just don't hurt her. Okay, I'll tell you about their plan. Hmm, okay," I heard Rose say on the phone. Realizing she might be betraying us, I controlled my anger and waited for her to finish the call.

"Oh, hey Lisa," Rose greeted me nervously.

"Hey, who were you talking to, by the way?" I asked with a neutral expression.

"Oh, just an old friend. See you soon," she replied hastily before leaving.

"You can't run away from your problems, Rose. Life isn't a game," I thought to myself as I also left our meeting spot.

Life has taken a strange turn, back in the days I used to cherish my school memories, but now I find myself seeking revenge on some arrogant individuals. However, my bond with my family and friends remains unchanged. And let's not forget about my growing crush on Jungkook, who wouldn't fall for that charming muscle bunny? I chuckled to myself as I watched Jungkook working out in the gym.

untitled YOU AND MENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ