"Unveiled Affection"

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**Setting**: Maya's bedroom, a cozy and intimate space adorned with soft lighting and comfortable furnishings. Maya and Arjun are wrapped up in each other's arms, lost in the moment as they share a tender kiss, unaware of the approaching footsteps.

[Maya and Arjun's embrace grows more passionate as they deepen their kiss, their hearts racing with desire. Suddenly, the sound of the door creaking open interrupts their reverie, and Maya's heart skips a beat as she recognizes her brother's voice.]

**Dhanush**: [Enters the room, his voice filled with shock and disbelief] Maya?! What the... What the hell is going on here?!

[Maya and Arjun freeze, their cheeks flushing crimson with embarrassment as they realize they've been caught in a compromising position. Arjun's eyes widen in panic as he frantically tries to compose himself.]

**Maya**: [Frantically, her voice trembling] D-dhanush, it's not what you think! Please, you have to listen to me!

[Dhanush's expression darkens with anger and disbelief as he takes in the scene before him. His fists clench at his sides as he struggles to contain his emotions.]

**Dhanush**: [Voice rising with fury] Kissing?! In your own room?! Have you lost all sense of decency?!

[Maya's heart sinks as she realizes the gravity of the situation, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty.]

**Maya**: [Desperately, tears welling in her eyes] Dhanush, please... I'm sorry... It was a mistake...

[Dhanush's features soften slightly at the sight of Maya's distress, but his anger still simmers beneath the surface.]

**Dhanush**: [Sternly] This is not acceptable, Maya. I'm telling Mom and Dad about this.

**Dhanush**: [Voice trembling with rage] You think you can just come into my sister's room and disrespect her like this?!

[Arjun cowers on the floor, his face bruised and bloodied from Dhanush's relentless blows. Despite the pain, he tries to defend himself.]

**Arjun**: [Struggling to speak] D-dhanush, please... It's not what you think... Maya and I...

[Dhanush's anger only intensifies at Arjun's words, his sense of protectiveness for Maya clouding his judgment.]

**Dhanush**: [Screaming] You dare to touch my sister?! You've betrayed her trust, you scum!

[With each word, Dhanush's punches grow more savage, fueled by a mixture of anger and betrayal. Maya's cries fall on deaf ears as she watches helplessly, torn between her loyalty to her brother and her love for Arjun.]

**Maya**: [Desperately] Dhanush, stop! Please, you're going to kill him!

[But Dhanush's rage knows no bounds. He continues to rain down blows upon Arjun, his mind consumed by a blind fury.]

**Dhanush**: [Roaring] You're not worthy of Maya! You'll never be worthy!

[Finally, Dhanush's assault reaches its peak. With one final, brutal blow, he knocks Arjun unconscious, leaving him sprawled on the floor, bloodied and broken.]

**Maya**: [Screaming] No! Arjun!

[Maya rushes to Arjun's side, tears streaming down her face as she cradles his unconscious form in her arms. But before she can react, Dhanush grabs her by the arm and drags her away.]

**Dhanush**: [Coldly] You're staying in this room until Mom and Dad get back. Consider yourself lucky I'm not throwing you out on the streets with him.

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