Rare Confession

34 11 14

Daksh and Maya stroll through the garden, the air filled with a palpable chill despite the beauty of their surroundings.

Daksh and Maya stroll through the garden, the air filled with a palpable chill despite the beauty of their surroundings

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Maya: (admiring the fireflies) "This place is enchanting."

Daksh: (taking her hand) "It's just a garden, Maya."

Maya: (slightly taken aback) "I suppose..."

Daksh: (staring into the distance) "Close your eyes and count to three."

Maya hesitates but closes her eyes and begins counting. When she reaches three, Daksh takes out a small glass bottle filled with glowing fireflies and hands it to her.

 When she reaches three, Daksh takes out a small glass bottle filled with glowing fireflies and hands it to her

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Maya: (eyes wide in surprise) "Daksh, this is..."

Daksh: "Just take it, Maya. It's not a big deal."

Maya: (disheartened) "I thought..."

Daksh: "You thought wrong. It's just some fireflies."

Maya: (trying to hide her disappointment) "Right..."

Daksh: "Look, Maya, I don't do the whole romantic thing. It's not who I am."

Maya: (forcing a smile) "I understand."

As Maya tries to hide her disappointment, Daksh's heart remains guarded, his true feelings buried beneath a layer of frost. Leading towards their bedroom together.

Maya: "Daksh, I..."

Daksh:leans in closer, his lips almost brushing against Maya's.

Maya: pauses, her breath catching in her throat

Daksh: *whispers, his voice low and enticing* "Maya..."

Maya: *meets his gaze, her eyes dark with desire*

Daksh: *draws even nearer, the heat between them palpable*

Maya: *hesitates, her body trembling with anticipation*

Daksh: *waits, his fingers trailing lightly along Maya's skin*

Maya:*whispers breathlessly* "Daksh, I..."

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