"Fortunes Bound: Maya's Bargain"

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**Setting**: The elegant living room of the Agnihotri mansion, exuding opulence and grandeur. Maya's parents sit nervously on the plush couch, their eyes darting around the room, while Daksh Agnihotri's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Agnihotri, sit across from them, their expressions stern and formidable. Maya stands beside her parents, her heart pounding with apprehension as they await Daksh's arrival.

**Maya's Father**: [Clears his throat, trying to compose himself] Mr. and Mrs. Agnihotri, thank you for meeting with us today.

[Mr. Agnihotri's gaze is cold and penetrating as he studies Maya's father, while Mrs. Agnihotri sits regally beside him, her posture rigid and aloof.]

**Mr. Agnihotri**: [With a dismissive wave of his hand] Get to the point. We don't have all day.

[Maya's father swallows nervously, steeling himself for the task at hand.]

**Maya's Father**: We've come here today to discuss a proposal of marriage between our daughter, Maya, and your son, Daksh.

[The room falls silent as Mr. and Mrs. Agnihotri exchange a knowing glance, their expressions unreadable.]

**Mrs. Agnihotri**: [Her voice dripping with disdain] And why would we consider such a proposal? What makes you think our son would be interested in a girl like Maya?

[Maya's heart sinks at Mrs. Agnihotri's cutting words, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.]

**Maya's Father**: Maya is a good girl, Mrs. Agnihotri. She's well-educated, cultured, and comes from a respectable family.

[Mr. Agnihotri's eyes narrow as he studies Maya and her parents, his expression inscrutable.]

**Mr. Agnihotri**: And what about your daughter's reputation? We've heard whispers of scandal surrounding her.

[Maya's father's face blanches at Mr. Agnihotri's accusation, his mind racing for a response.]

**Maya's Father**: Maya has made mistakes, but she's learned from them. She's a changed person now, Mr. Agnihotri.

[Just then, the door opens, and Daksh strides into the room, his demeanor cold and detached.]

**Daksh**: [Glancing at Maya with disdain] What's all this about, Mother?

[Maya's heart sinks at the sight of Daksh, his indifference cutting her to the core.]

**Mrs. Agnihotri**: [Turning to Daksh with a calculated smile] Maya's parents are here to discuss a marriage proposal between you and their daughter.

[Daksh's eyes flicker with annoyance as he looks between Maya and her parents, his expression betraying no hint of interest or emotion.]

**Daksh**: [With a dismissive wave of his hand] I'm not interested. You can show yourselves out.

[Maya's hopes shatter into a million pieces as Daksh's rejection echoes in her ears, her dreams of redemption slipping through her fingers. However, before Maya's parents can respond, Mr. Agnihotri raises a hand to silence them.]

**Mr. Agnihotri**: Wait. Let's hear them out.

[Maya's father's eyes widen in surprise as Mr. Agnihotri turns his attention back to Maya's parents, a calculating glint in his eye.]

**Mr. Agnihotri**: We have a proposal of our own. If Maya marries Daksh, we will demand your half ownership of your business, including the Verma Mines.

[Maya's parents exchange a stunned glance, the weight of Mr. Agnihotri's offer sinking in.]

**Maya's Father**: [Trying to contain his excitement] That's... that's quite generous of you, Mr. Agnihotri.

[Maya's mother nods eagerly, her mind racing with the possibilities of what this could mean for their family.]

**Mrs. Agnihotri**: [Smirking triumphantly] So, do we have a deal?

The Verma's left the Agnihotri mansion then

The opulent Agnihotri mansion, where Mr. and Mrs. Agnihotri sit in their lavish living room, discussing Maya's proposal in the absence of Daksh. The room exudes an air of wealth and power, contrasting sharply with the modest surroundings of Maya's home.

**Mrs. Agnihotri**: [With a calculating gaze] We've been presented with an interesting opportunity, dear. Maya Verma's parents came to us today with a proposal for Maya to marry Daksh.

**Mr. Agnihotri**: [Steepling his fingers thoughtfully] Indeed. And what do you make of it?

**Mrs. Agnihotri**: [Nodding approvingly] I believe it could be beneficial for us. The Verma's are offering half ownership of their business, including the Verma Mines, in exchange for Maya becoming our daughter-in-law.

**Mr. Agnihotri**: [Considering the offer] It's a generous proposal, to be sure. And the Verma Mines would significantly bolster our assets.

**Mrs. Agnihotri**: [With a shrewd smile] Precisely. Plus, Maya's family comes from a respectable background. It would be a mutually beneficial arrangement.

**Mr. Agnihotri**: [Nodding in agreement] Very well. Let us proceed with the marriage alliance. We'll inform Daksh of our decision later.

[With a firm nod of agreement, Mr. and Mrs. Agnihotri finalize their decision, knowing that Maya's fate has been sealed, regardless of Daksh's consent.]

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