Daksh betrayal

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Hi guys I hope you are enjoying the story. I would like to inform you guys that the next part will be uploaded after 15 April...So stay tuned with Maya and Daksh..and if you like do vote and share with your friends..


Maya collapses to the ground, tears streaming down her face in torrents. Gasping for air, she feels the weight of her despair pressing down on her chest, rendering her utterly helpless and consumed by a suffocating sense of despair. Meanwhile Daksh came to console her by hugging.

Maya: (Restlessly crying) "Don't... don't touch me."

Daksh: (Reaching out to console her) "Maya, please..."

Maya: (Pushing him away forcefully, her voice filled with anger) "I said, don't touch me!"

Daksh: (Taking a step back, his heart sinking) "Maya, I..."

Maya: (Interrupting, her voice firm) "From this moment, we're just two strangers trapped in a forced relationship."

Daksh: (Murmuring softly) "Maya, I..."

Maya: (Turning away, tears streaming down her face) "I don't want to hear it, Daksh. Just leave me alone."

Daksh leaves, his heart heavy with the weight of Maya's tears, each one piercing his soul like a thorn.Maya collapses to the ground, tears streaming down her face in torrents.
Maya rushes to the riverside, heart pounding with anticipation. As Danish begins speaking, Maya's world shatters. Mannat's presence pierces her soul, leaving her frozen in shock, her mind reeling with the implications of their unexpected encounter.

Maya: "Are you sure about this, Danish?"

Danish: "Absolutely. I've done some digging, Maya. The real Mannat Srivastav died in the car accident along with her parents. The one staying with the Agnihotris is an imposter."

Maya: "But why would someone do that? And who is she really?"

Danish: "I don't know yet, Maya. But whoever she is, she's hiding something big."

Maya: "This is getting more complicated by the minute. What should we do now?"

Danish: "We need to find out more about her. Keep an eye on her, Maya. And be careful."

Maya: "I will, Danish. Thanks for letting me know."

Danish: "Wow, Maya, did you go for a swim or something? Your eyes look redder than a traffic light."

Maya: "Oh, it's nothing. Just allergies acting up."

Danish: "Allergies, huh? Must be some pretty intense pollen out there."

Maya: "Yeah, you could say that."

Despite Maya's attempt to brush it off, Danish can sense that something is bothering her. He decides to probe further, curious about the source of her distress.

Danish: "Did you... cry?"

Maya: "Yeah, I did."

Danish: "What happened? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Maya: "It's... it's complicated. You know, the usual drama."

Reluctantly, Maya opens up to Danish, recounting the events that unfolded with Daksh and Mannat. She finds solace in confiding in him, knowing that he'll listen without judgment.

Danish: "I can't stand seeing you like this, Maya. I'll make sure Mannat Srivastav pays for what she's done."

Maya: "Danish, I mean it. Don't get involved. It's too dangerous."

Veils of secrets Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz