The compulsion

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After daksh leaves , maya consumes a lot of alcohol losing her control from mind mannat arrives and takes advantage of situation and make her stand on terrace edge and she approaches daksh .

Mannat: "I have a proposition for you, Daksh."

Daksh: "And what would that be?"

Mannat: "I want you to do something for me."

Daksh: "I'm not in the business of doing favors, especially not for you."

Mannat: "Oh, but this isn't just any favor. It's a matter of life and death."

Daksh: "What do you mean?"

Mannat: "You wouldn't dare lay a hand on me, Daksh. You see, I have something that might interest you."

Daksh: "What are you talking about?"

Mannat: *plays a video clip* "Take a look at this."

Daksh: (shocked) "Maya! What have you done to her?"

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Daksh: (shocked) "Maya! What have you done to her?"

Mannat: "She's under my control now, Daksh. And if you want to save her, you'll have to play by my rules."

Daksh: (clenches his fists) "What do you want from me?"

Mannat: "Oh, but it gets worse, Daksh. Watch closely."

Daksh: (watching in horror) "Maya... No!"

Mannat: "That's right. She's completely under my control now. And if you want to save her, you'll have to comply with my demands."

Daksh: (desperate) "You're a monster."

Mannat: "Call me what you will, Daksh. But remember, Maya's fate rests in your hands."

As Daksh agrees to sleep with her , Mannat calls Maya from terrace to watch this spicy view.

Maya:(answering the call, her voice trembling) "Hello?"

Mannat: "Surprised to hear from me, Maya?"

Maya: "What do you want?"

Mannat: "I just wanted to let you know that your dear husband is spending the night with me. How does it feel to be replaced?"

Maya: (heart sinking) "No..."

Maya: (watching in horror as Daksh and Mannat embrace) "Daksh, how could you...?"

Mannat: (smirking) "Oh, Maya dear, didn't I tell you? Your husband is all mine tonight."

Maya: (voice breaking) "No, this can't be happening..."

Daksh: (icily) "Maya, don't jump to conclusions."

Mannat: "Believe him? Why would she believe a cheater like you?"

Maya: (overwhelmed) "I trusted you, Daksh..."

Daksh: (coldly) "Trust is overrated, Maya. This is just another compulsion"

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